On The Role of Preparative Parameters in Growing Nanocrystalline PbS Thin Films by Liquid Phase Chem

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A liquid phase chemical bath deposition(LPCBD)method for deposition of PbS thin films is presented.The growth kinetics and reaction mechanism have been discussed.For the deposition,triethanolamine complex of lead acetate was allowed to react with aqueous thiourea solution.Glass micro-slides were used as the substrates.The deposition of PbS films was carried out under different growth parameters such as temperature,time,and reaction pH.The growth rate,under different conditions,was measured in terms of a terminal layer thickness and the possible reaction kinetics and mechanism is discussed.The optimum values of the parameters to produce good quality films are 60 min,80℃and 10.5±0.1.An EDS analysis showed that the film stoichiometry is dependent on the reaction pH and the films tend to be almost stoichiometric in high alkaline environment(>10.5).The PbS deposits appeared smooth,tightly adherent,uniform and reflecting with blackish-grey colour.The XRD studies showed crystalline cubic type of structure with preferred orientation along(200)plane.The calculated d-values,intensities of reflections and lattice parameter have excellent match with that of the JCPD data.The crystallite size is found to be few tens of nanometer.The surface morphology revealed by SEM showed that the crystallites are randomly oriented and are of different shapes and sizes.Majority of the crystallites appeared smaller and spherical in shape whereas,growth of some elongated irregular crystallites;bit larger in size and differing in shapes,have also been favoured. A liquid phase chemical bath deposition (LPCBD) method for deposition of PbS thin films is presented. The growth kinetics and reaction mechanism have been discussed. For the deposition, triethanolamine complex of lead acetate was allowed to react with aqueous thiourea solution. Glass micro- slides were used as the substrates. The deposition of PbS films was carried out under different growth parameters such as temperature, time, and reaction pH. the growth rate, under different conditions, was measured in terms of a terminal layer thickness and the possible reaction kinetics and mechanism are discussed. The optimum values ​​of the parameters to produce good quality films are 60 min, 80 ° C and 10.5 ± 0.1. An EDS analysis showed that the film stoichiometry is dependent on the reaction pH and the films tend to be almost stoichiometric in high alkaline environment (> 10.5). The PbS deposits were smooth, tightly adherent, uniform and reflecting with blackish-gray color. The XRD studies showed crystalline cubic t ype of structure with preferred orientation along (200) plane. calculated d-values, intensities of reflections and lattice parameter have excellent match with that of the JCPD data. crystallite size is found to be few tens of nanometers. surface pattern revealed by SEM showed that the crystallites were randomly oriented and are of different shapes and sizes. Majority of the crystallites smaller and spherical in shape while, growth of some elongated irregular crystallites; bit larger in size and differing in shapes, have also been favored.
摘 要:对于数学这门学科来说,思维和兴趣具有一致性,两者是不可以分开来谈的。只有对数学产生了兴趣,才会形成最清晰的数学思维。思维是根本,兴趣是思维的源泉,思维的培养是以兴趣为基础的。  关键词:数学思维;兴趣;一致性  兴趣与思维的共同培养是十分重要的,兴趣可以刺激大脑组织,可以提高对某种事物的关注程度,并进行探索研究。思维是思考问题的一个定式,拥有了这个定式,在遇到问题时都可以迎刃而解。兴趣是学
他叫龙海,在2006年的时候加盟左福右安时尚布鞋店。目前在湖南市拥有两家布鞋专卖店。在发现传统布鞋商机的同时,他也找到了自己的人生的坐标。 His name is Longhai, in 20