围绕教育“转轨” 抓好教育管理

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近年来,为了使中小学校切实担负起为提高劳动者素质打好基础的根本任务,我们教育办公室紧紧围绕乡村教育从单纯的“升学模式”向密切为当地经济建设服务“转轨”,来开展工作,抓好管理,使全乡的教育工作呈现出新的生机。一.组织办学方向大讨论,解放思想,自觉“转轨”。从1987年下半年以来,我们组织全乡中小学教师围绕“乡村教育办学方向”开展了广泛深入的讨论。一是抓学习。组织全乡教师学习十三大文件,学习国家教委及省教委关于农村教育为地方经济建设服务的指示精神,学习山东平度县农村教育整体改革的经验。二是搞调查。组织全乡中小学教师对近些年的毕业生进行追踪调查,看他们是否适应农村经济建设的需要,了解乡村干部和家长的反映。三是算大帐,引导全乡中小学教师一算中小学毕业 In recent years, in order to ensure that primary and secondary schools have effectively fulfilled the fundamental task of laying a solid foundation for improving the quality of workers, our education office has focused on the development of rural education from a simple “advancement model” to a close “transition” for local economic construction. Work, do a good job of management, so that the education of the township shows a new life. I. Organize the direction of running schools, emancipate the mind, and consciously “transition”. Since the second half of 1987, we have organized the primary and middle school teachers in the township to carry out extensive and in-depth discussions around the “direction of running rural education”. One is grasping learning. To organize the township teachers to study the thirteen documents and learn the instructional spirit of the State Education Commission and the Provincial Board of Education regarding rural education serving the local economic construction, and to study the overall rural education reform experience in Pingdu County, Shandong Province. The second is to engage in investigations. Primary and secondary school teachers in the township were organized to conduct follow-up surveys of graduates in recent years to see if they were able to adapt to the needs of rural economic development and to understand the reactions of village officials and parents. The third is to calculate a large account, to guide the primary and secondary school teachers in primary and secondary schools
《红楼梦》是一部隐秘曹家历史的小说。“元妃”即是隐喻“康熙”。“省亲事”只是作者“借”以构造小说情节的虚拟 ,“写南巡”才是作者的意图所在。康熙卒于 1 72 2 (壬寅
目的通过影像学分析,选出一个较为可靠且快速鉴别听神经与三叉神经鞘瘤的指标。方法对47例经手术病理证实的听神经和三叉神经鞘瘤病人影像学资料采用单因素方差分析。结果 38