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1 1989年4月6日,对孙凤姿来说是永生难忘的日子。这一天,她向组织上递交了离岗报告。离岗,意味着她从此就不再是吃“公粮”的人了,而是要走一条自谋职业的道路。这份离岗报告,交得实在是太不容易。1979年,孙凤姿下乡回城后,被分配到市饮服总公司的一个分店分管财会工作。由于她思想要求进步,工作出色,被选为公司的团支部书记。可是,1985年机构改革后,她所在的分店合并到市百货公司,由于人员增多,她从财会主管变成了一名收款员。起先,孙凤姿觉得自己是团干部,应该服从组织调动。可是,时间一长,心中总有一种不安的躁动。特别是看到人满为患,企业压力大,不禁扪心自问:人生的价值是什么?难道自己这一辈子就这样拴在大锅饭的灶台上糊糊涂涂地度过吗?她想到应趁年轻到社会上去闯一闯。可这个想法刚一露头,就受到各方面的规劝:“放着好好的铁饭碗不要,却去捧泥饭碗,这不是自找苦吃吗?”“国有企业,再不济也是全民所有制,当个体户算什么哪?”面对种种舆论,孙凤姿权衡了好一阵,终于坦然了:改革是一个巨大的系统工程,从国家来说,就是要调整不合理的产业结构,减员增效是大趋势。而从个人来说,生命的价值只有在改革的大潮中方能得以实现。她相信,社会的舆论是暂时的,生活充满着善意和公允,靠自己的诚实劳动,一定能得到社会的认可。2 1990年元月的一天,孙凤姿创办的姿奇美美容院挂牌正式营业。为了这一天的到来,她曾先后去大连、北京、深圳、香港、澳门等十多个城市拜访名师学艺, April 6, 1989, Sun Fengzi is an unforgettable day. On this day, she submitted a report of departure to the organization. Being out of office means that she is no longer a man who ate “public food”, but instead takes a self-employed path. The report from the post, pay it really is not easy. In 1979, Sun Fengzi back to the countryside after the countryside, was assigned to a branch of the city Beverage Company in charge of accounting work. As her thinking requires progress, work well, was elected company’s League branch secretary. However, after the institutional reform in 1985, her branch was merged into a municipal department store, and she was changed from chief of accountancy to a cashier due to an increase in personnel. At first, Sun Fengzi felt that he was a cadre of cadres and should be subject to organizational mobilization. However, over time, there is always a restless restless mind. Especially to see the overcrowding, business pressure, can not help but ask ourselves: What is the value of life? Do their own life so tied to the pot on the stove pastime spent it? She thought should take advantage of youth to the community to break through Chuang. But this idea was just outcropping, and it was persuaded by all parties: “Putting aside good iron rice bowls but holding mud and rice bowls is not self-defeating.” "State-owned enterprises, When facing the various public opinions, Sun Fengzi weighed for a while, and finally calmly said that the reform is a tremendous systematic project. From the state’s point of view, it is necessary to adjust the unreasonable industrial structure and reduce manpower and efficiency Trend. And personally, the value of life can only be achieved in the tide of reform. She believes that public opinions in the community are temporary and that life is full of goodwill and fairness. By their own honest work, they will surely receive social recognition. 2 One day in January 1990, Sun Fengzi founded the Beauty Salon in the United States officially listed. In order to arrive at this day, she went to visit more than ten cities such as Dalian, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao,
据国家海关总署的最新统计数字 ,炼油厂加工量上升 ,成品油库存量下降 ,对进口原油需求的增加导致进口量显著增多。 2 0 0 2年 1季度 ,原油进口量从 2 0 0 1年 4季度的 12 2
A novel heterometallic V2Ag2S4 thiocubane cluster was isolated from an assembly reaction system including (NH4)3VS4, Ag(PPh3)2NO3, OC4H8dtcNa and PhSNa in DMF.
子曰:已矣乎!吾未见好德如好色者也。这句话说明什么呢?过去都说,孔子讲这句话,是为了卫君而感慨的,因为卫灵公这个了不起的人,迷于一个美丽的妃子南子,所以他虽然尊重孔 S
在众多的抗高血压药物中 ,目前大部分单一药物不能满足理想的抗高血压药要求。尼莫地平和吲达帕胺是适合老年患者长期服用的抗高血压一线药物[2 ] ,但单独应用降压疗效有时不