
来源 :锻压装备与制造技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luowencheng7758258
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中国制造2025将智能制造确定为主攻方向,“十三五”规划纲要也明确提出,要实施智能制造工程,推动生产方式向柔性、智能、精细化转变。智能制造最突出的特点就是能够有效缩短产品研制周期,提高生产效率和产品质量,降低运营成本和资源能源消耗,并促进基于互联网的众创、众包、众筹等新业态、新模式的兴起。从生产端入手,发展智能制造,对于我国改造提升制造业、提高制造业供给结构的适应性和灵活性,对于推动制造业与互联网融合发展,对于发展壮大新兴产业,都具有十分重要的意义。 Made in China 2025 identified smart manufacturing as the main direction of attack, and the “13th Five-Year Plan” clearly stated that it is necessary to implement smart manufacturing engineering to promote flexible, intelligent and refined production modes. The most prominent feature of intelligent manufacturing is that it can effectively shorten the product development cycle, improve production efficiency and product quality, reduce operating costs and resource and energy consumption, and promote the rise of new formats and new formats based on the Internet, such as Zhongchuang, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding . Starting from the production side, the development of intelligent manufacturing is of great significance to the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry in our country and to the adaptability and flexibility of the manufacturing supply structure. It is of great significance for promoting the integration of manufacturing industry and the Internet and for developing and expanding emerging industries.
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