牛津高中英语模块九Unit 4 Behind beliefs Reading Unit 4 Biblical idioms in English(2)教学设计

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  Teaching aims:
  At the end of this class, the students will be able to
  1. be familiar with the meanings of some words and expressions.
  2. use words and phrases correctly.
  3. not only understand some important sentence structures but also use them freely.
  Teaching methods:
  Listening, reading , and discussion
  Teaching aids:
  A computer and a projector
  Teaching procedures:
  Step 1 Competition by checking their homework
  Ask some girls to write idioms on the blackboard as many as possible. Then ask boys to explain them written by their classmates. The one writing the most idioms and the one offering right explanations will win the competition.
  Step 2 Language points
  Paragraph 1
  Girls read the first paragraph together.
  1. Line 1-2 Translate the sentence.
  An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning is not straightforward ,because it often can not be understood by looking at the meanings of its separate words .
  Separate here is used as an adjective with the meaning“each or individual”,or“ not together”.
  The two sisters share one room, but they sleep in separate beds.
  “Separate” can also be used as a verb, which is meant to“ become apart” or “to be not together”.
  It is very hard to separate two fighting tigers.
  2. in other words 換句话说 类似 “That is (to say)….”
  Paragraph 2
  Boys read the second paragraph.
  1. 1.Line 8-9 : The bible was first written in Hebrew and Greek, both of which use many idioms.
  First, translate this sentence..
  代词 of which/whom引导定语从句的用法:
  most, both, all, neither, either, none等代词 of whom(指人)/which(指物)可以引导定语从句。如:
  Jane has two sons, neither of whom lives at home.
  Tom has three reference book, all of which are practical.
  代詞 of whom(指人)/which(指物)引导定语从句也可转换成of whom(指人)/which(指物) 代词引导定语从句。
  For example:I have many cartoons, of which all are interesting.
  For example:
  Two hours ago, only two man came to look at the house, ________wanted to buy it.
  A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom
  Key: D
  Paragraph 3
  1. Listen to the tape.
  2. Line 15-16
  A biblical idioms is often an expression that underlines the moral of a story and gives the audience a picture to help them understand the story better.   Underlines 本意是“在….下面划线”,这里的意思是强调,突出。
  His questions at the press conference underlined his ignorance of the matters being discussed..
  3. feet of clay 隐藏的弱点,不为人知的弱点 (a hidden weakness)
  Paragraph 4
  1. Read the paragraph by themselves.
  2. Line24-25
  See the handwriting on the wall 意思是see signs that disaster is coming .
  Paragraph 5
  1. kill the fatted calf 意思是have a large celebration
  2. waste one’s time in doing sth 浪费时间做某事
  3. be reduced to doing sth 被沦落为做某事
  4. hire sb out to do sth 受雇某人做某事
  5. in honor of… 为了纪念,为了欢迎,为了庆祝,同义词in salute to
  Paragraph 6
  1. Read the paragraph together
  2. you reap what you sow意思是If he plants good seeds ,then he will get a good crop ; if he plants bad seeds then his crops will also be bad.
  3. the apple of somebody’s eye 意思是talk about a child who is loved very much by his or her parents.
  be related to sb / sth 與某人或某事物有关
  Step 3 Practice略
【摘要】在全球化的影响下,英语学习已经成为学校的重点课程,教育事业的不断改革,也使英语教学方法得到了完善改进。语言与文化具有密切的联系,语言的学习,实质上就是对一国文化的学习,因此,在中学英语教学中,教师要充分注重两者的关系,加强文化教学,以取得更好的教学效果。本文对中学英语教学中的文化教学进行了研究分析。  【关键词】中学 英语教学 文化教学  现阶段我国十分注重对学生综合素质的培养,尤其是实践
【Abstract】Interest in classroom interaction has grown steadily both at home and abroad since the 1940s. From the second language acquisition perspective, classroom interaction has the Input Hypothesis
【摘要】随着初中英语教学新课改进程的发展,对初中英语教师的教学水平要求也不断提高。语言学习具有其本身的特性,与生活息息相关,语言情景、语境不同,语言的使用便有差别。因此,为了能够激发学生学习热情并让学生可以快速、灵活应用英语知识,如何在深刻了解教材内容的基础上进行教学模块、教学计划的制定便成了最为主要的问题。情景教学法便在这样的教育背景下应运而生,并受到越来越多的支持与关注。  【关键词】初中英语
【摘要】商务英语的口语教学随着全球经济发展得到极大的提高,同时也随着国际上贸易活动的增加,也造成了这方面的人才紧缺。就目前而言,商务英语的教学现状并不乐观。所以为了提高大学生的商务英语口语,使其英语口语交际与应用能力得到提高,则要针对商务英语在教学实践中出现的问题,做出相关的解决方法。因此本文主要根据大学商务英语口语教学在实践中出现的问题,提出了相关的解决措施。  【关键词】商务英语口语 实践教学
Nowadays different kinds of activities play a great role in English language teaching (ELT) classroom. Pair work is a considerable form of activity that makes a contribution to personal second languag
【摘要】语篇引领的词汇教学是在课堂中通过创设适合的语境,让学生在情景中体验并运用语言,通过有意义的语言输入来激活有意义的语言输出。不仅让学生学习词汇内容,更帮助学生英语综合语言运用能力的形成和提高。本文以语篇语言学为指导,针对当前小学英语词汇教学的现状,阐述了基于语篇的词汇教学。  【关键词】词汇 语篇教学 文本再构 有效性  词汇是语言的基本单位,是语言意义的载体。词汇教学应该遵循“词不离句,句