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中国书籍设计艺术展历史悠久,从20世纪50年代末举办第一届全国书籍设计艺术展至今,已经走过了50年。中国书籍设计艺术如同整个中国出版业一样发生了翻天覆地的变化,无论从数量到质量、从硬件到软件、从手段到观念都有了飞速的发展。特别是改革开放以来,我国政治、经济、文化的发展,为我国出版事业的繁荣发展,提供了良好的环境,也为书籍装帧艺术的创作提供了良好的氛围和条件。全国书籍设计艺术展(原名称为“全国书籍装帧艺术展”)是代表我国图书装帧艺术发展新水平的重要展览,迄今已成功举办了6届。前6次展览分别于1959年、1979年、1986年、1995年、1999年、2004年举行。第七届全国书籍设计艺术展(以下简称“七展”)将于今年10月在北京举办,这次展览的举办是今年出版界的一件大事,它不仅是5年来书籍设计成就的一次集中亮相,同时也是业内精英聚首交流的一次盛会。今天,要求设计师在市场与文化需求方面探求阅读功能与艺术表现的准确为切入点,设计者们既要关心艺术与技术的结合,也要认识纸张性格和印制工艺的表现力,这才符合今天读者所要求的真正的书籍艺术作品。“七展”会在哪些方面让我们耳目一新?它又怎样跟上时代和市场的脚步?我们将拭目关注。 Chinese Book Design Art Exhibition has a long history. It has been 50 years since the first national book design art exhibition was held in the late 1950s. The Chinese book design art has undergone tremendous changes like the entire Chinese publishing industry. From quantity to quality, from hardware to software, from means to concepts, there has been a rapid development. Especially since the reform and opening up, the development of politics, economy and culture in our country has provided a good environment for the prosperity and development of our publishing industry and has provided a good atmosphere and conditions for the creation of book binding art. The National Book Design Art Exhibition (formerly known as “National Book and Frame Art Exhibition”) is an important exhibition representing the new level of the development of book binding in China. So far, it has been successfully held for six times. The first six exhibitions were held in 1959, 1979, 1986, 1995, 1999 and 2004 respectively. The Seventh National Book Design Art Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as “Seven Exhibitions”) will be held in Beijing in October this year. This year’s exhibition is a major event in the publishing industry this year. It is not only a matter of 5 years of book design success A focus on appearance, but also the industry elite gather to exchange a gala. Today, designers are asked to explore the accuracy of reading function and artistic performance in the market and cultural needs. Designers should not only care about the combination of art and technology, but also understand the expressiveness of paper character and printing process. True book art that meets the needs of today’s readers. In what ways will we be refreshing and how can we keep up with the times and the market? We will be watching.
<正> 一、要把正确划分中央与地方政府事权问题摆在当前工作的突出位置在我国经济进入新的调整过程,在深入探索改革和发展战略的关键时刻,我们把正确划分中央与地方政府事权
<正> (三) 财务会计的目标 在第(二)部分我们已经阐述了财务会计的目标。本文按历史发展的顺序,肯定APB statement No4首先提出了财务报表的目标并把它分为一般目标和质的目
<正> 今年是我国对建设用地实行计划管理的第二年,如何根据改革开放的精神,总结前阶段的工作,探讨进一步完善土地的计划管理,是当前计划工作面临的一个新课题。一、我国面临