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口译发展到目前,产生了两种主要形式,即交替传译和同声传译,其中,交替传译是本文研究的重点,根据对交传过程的分析,集中主要对其唯一的书面客观形式——笔记进行解读,主要参照当前新兴的速记,将两者进行客观比对,帮助初学者明确概念、避免混淆、正确认识交传笔记,并进一步提出笔记要领和可遵循原则,希望可以帮助交传任务更好地执行。 At present, there are two main forms of interpreting development, that is, alternative interpretation and simultaneous interpretation. Among them, the alternative interpretation is the focus of this study. According to the analysis of the process of communication, the main objective of the interpretation is to focus on its only written objective form Mainly referring to the current new shorthand, objective comparison between the two to help beginners clear concepts, to avoid confusion, correct understanding of notes, and further notes essentials and principles can be followed, hope can help to pass on the task more Well implemented.
AIM:To study the expression of a disintegrin andmetalloproteinase 17 (ADAM17) mRNA in hepatocellularcarcinoma (HCC) and to evaluate the relationship betweenADA
集科技交流、经贸洽谈、工作会议于一体的大型行业活动 Set science and technology exchange, economic and trade talks, working conference in one of the major indust
我国即将加入世贸组织 ,本文介绍了发展中国家在世贸组织中的权力与应享受的优惠 ,供有关各界参政。 As China is about to join the WTO, this article introduces the pow
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。新年寄语$模具制造杂志社!社长@谭超武 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view prof
世贸组织成员关税方面的义务主要有两项:①非歧视地征收关税。这是最惠国待遇的基本要求。但经济一体化组织内部成员之间的优惠、对发展中国家实行 There are two main dut