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能源安全问题是涉及国家经济、国防等各领域建设的重大问题。传统化石能源是各领域能耗的主体,存在着全球分布不均、可持续供应能力差等问题;我国化石能源储采比远低于世界平均水平,能源安全形势十分严峻。装备领域存在能耗大、能源需求量增速快、化石能源依赖性高等突出问题,影响装备长远建设发展和军队作战能力的提高。美军为保证装备能源供应采取了三方面主要战略:将能效指标纳入装备采办的源头;采取各种措施减少能源浪费;研发使用新型能源。借鉴美军装备能源战略举措,结合我国国情、军情,我军装备能源供应要着重加强四个方面:一是在替代能源尚未广泛普及的情况下,要加大化石能源战略储备;二是倡导节能减排,提升能源的利用效率;三是注重源头控制,在论证设计阶段充分考虑装备能耗水平和能耗结构问题;四是要积极研发替代能源和使用替代能源的装备,最终从根本上解决装备能源供应问题。 Energy security is a major issue involving the construction of national economy and national defense. Traditional fossil fuels are the main body of energy consumption in various fields, with the problems of uneven global distribution and poor sustainable supply capacity. The energy storage and recovery ratio of fossil fuels in China is far below the world average, and the energy security situation is very grim. The field of equipment has prominent problems of large energy consumption, fast growth of energy demand and high energy dependence of fossil fuels, which affects the long-term construction and development of the equipment and the improvement of the combat capability of the military. The U.S. military has adopted three major strategies to ensure the supply of energy equipment: integrating energy efficiency indicators into the source of equipment procurement; adopting various measures to reduce energy waste; and developing and using new energy sources. US military equipment energy draw on strategic initiatives, combined with China’s national conditions, military, energy supply military equipment to focus on strengthening the four aspects: First, in the case of alternative energy sources not yet widespread, we must increase the strategic reserves of fossil energy; the second is promoting energy reduction row, improve energy efficiency; third is to focus on source control, give full consideration to the equipment level of energy consumption and energy consumption structural problems in the design stage demonstration; Fourth, we should actively develop alternative energy sources and use of alternative energy equipment, equipment from the final settlement of the fundamental Energy supply problems.
<正> 近十几年来,我国的畜牧业经济发展,使它跨出了生产和销售时代,进入了营销时代。其理由如下: 1.饲料资源已不再是制约我国畜牧业发展的主要因素。近几年来,在我国畜牧业