宣传运用《浙江政报》 促进政府依法行政

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政府要做到依法行政、民主行政、科学行政,是执政党体现在我们政府工作方面的三个最重要能力。严格讲,政府的工作一切都是围绕这三个方面“转变”。第一,要充分认识做好政报工作是依法行政,建设法治政府的一个重要组成部分。大家都知道,《中华人民共和国立法法》明确规定:地方人民政府公报上刊登的规章文本为标准文本。这就明确了公报(政报)向社会公布法规、政策、规范性文件的法定载体地位。国务院关于《规章制定程序条例》也规定:地方政府规章签署公布后,本级人民政府公报和本行政区域范围内发行的报纸应及时刊登。在地方人民政府公报(政报)上刊登的规章文本为标准文本。这些都 The government must exercise its administration according to law, democratic administration and scientific administration. It is the three most important capabilities that the ruling party embodies in the work of our government. Strictly speaking, the government’s work is all about “transformation” in these three aspects. First, we must fully understand that doing a good job of political work is an important part of the administration by law and the construction of a government ruled by law. We all know that the Legislation Law of the People’s Republic of China clearly stipulates that the regulatory text published in the communique of the local people’s government is the standard text. This made it clear that the communique (the gazetteer) announced to the public the statutory carrier status of laws, regulations and policies and normative documents. The State Council’s Regulations on the Procedure of Regulations and Rules also stipulate that after the announcement of the rules and regulations of local governments, the gazette of the people’s government at the corresponding level and the newspapers issued within the scope of their respective administrative regions shall be promptly published. The text of the regulations published in the bulletin of the local people’s government (the government newspaper) is the standard text. These are all
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