绿里开盘 业主代言隆重出炉

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6月18日,合生创展新推出的“绿里”在极为热烈的气氛中提前隆重开盘。据了解,绿里提前开盘主要是因为近期内部认购的客户董急剧上涨,截止至当晚22点,绿里总共销售277套,销售额近2亿元。6月20日晚6点,在珠江绿洲家园的会所里,又一场紧张而兴奋的活动拉开了序幕。在该活动上,由99个家庭中抽出的3名合生绿里业主形象代言人现场诞生亮相,他们将获得从已购房款扣除16万元的奖励。入选的3名形象大使,将获得无偿参加不少于5次开发商举办的公关活动,如参观合生公司广州、上海等地成功项目,形象大使的家庭肖像也将出现于绿里今后一年的广告、宣传品和各类行销传播活动中。早在合生绿里开盘前几个月,合生就已准备了80万元大礼,欲从购买该楼盘的业主中选出若干名作为该楼盘的业主形象代言人。此消息一出,就赢得了许多购房者的一片叫好声,并且报名者异常踊跃,有300余个家庭报名参加形象代言人的角逐。经初步筛选,选出90个候选家庭。在这些家庭中,以教师和传媒界、翻译界人士居多,主要是因为绿里比邻北京广播学院和第二外国语学院的缘故。绿里作为合生集团倾力打造的以人为本的精品住宅之一,开发商力图从各个方面能够为业主建筑一所文明之邦,处处体现以业主为至上的理念。 June 18, Hopson launched a new “green” in a very warm atmosphere in advance grand opening. It is understood that the green opened ahead of schedule mainly due to the recent sharp increase in the internal subscription of the customer Dong, as of 22 o’clock that night, Green in total sales of 277 units, with sales of nearly 200 million yuan. Six o’clock on the evening of June 20, in the Pearl River Oasis home club, another intense and exciting event kicked off. At the event, three homeowners of Hopson Green, drawn from 99 families, were born on the scene and they will receive a reward of $ 160,000 deducted from the purchase price. Selected three ambassadors, will be paid at least 5 times to participate in public relations activities organized by developers, such as Hopson visited Guangzhou, Shanghai and other successful projects, the image of the family portrait ambassador will appear in the green the next year Advertising, promotional materials and various marketing communications activities. As early as a few months before the opening in Hopson, Hopson has prepared a gift of 800,000 yuan, from the owners of the purchase of the real estate to choose a number of names as the real estate image of the spokesman for the project. As soon as this news came out, it won a lot of good news from many buyers, and the applicants were unusually active. More than 300 families signed up for the spokesman for the image. After initial screening, 90 candidate families were selected. Among these families, the majority of the translators are teachers and the mass media, mainly due to their proximity to the Beijing Broadcasting Institute and the Second Foreign Languages ​​Institute. Greenery As one of the people-oriented boutique homes that Hopson endeavors to create, the developers strive to build a state of civilization for the owners from all aspects and embody the concept of “supremacy with the owners”.
峰后是北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所在“八五”期间育成的大粒鲜食葡萄新品种。 1999年获北京市果树新品种科技发明奖。在北京丰台、顺义、河北张家口地区新品种对比试验