来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:show_me_the_money
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A special transparent centrifugal pump is designed. Detailed optical measurements of the flow inside the rotating passages of a five-bladed shroud centrifugal pump impeller have been performed by using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry (PIV). The flow is surveyed at three load conditions qV/Vd = 0.4, qV/qVd = 1.0, qVlqVd = 1.5, respectively. As a result, phase averaged PIV velocity vector maps on three planes between hub and shroud of the impeller are presented. At design load, the mean field of relative velocity is predominantly vane congruent, showing well-behaved flow without separation. The distributions of the relative velocity on different plane along the pump shaft are very different and there is always a low velocity zone near the pressure-side of the blade at both low and design flow rate, but the low-velocity-zone at the low flow rate is much larger than that at the design one. The study demonstrates that the PIV technique is efficient in providing reliable and detailed velocity data o A special transparent centrifugal pump is designed. Detailed optical measurements of the flow inside the rotating passages of a five-bladed shroud centrifugal pump impeller have been performed by using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry (PIV). The flow is surveyed at three load conditions As a result, phase averaged PIV velocity vector maps on three planes between hub and shroud of the impeller are presented. At design load, the mean field of relative The distributions of the relative velocity on different plane along the pump shaft are very different and there is always a low velocity zone near the pressure-side of the blade at both low and design flow rate, but the low-velocity-zone at the low flow rate is much larger than that at the design one. The study demonstrates that the PIV technique is efficient in Providing in detai led velocity data o
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