
来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xushaowei20092009
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  【Abstract】This study discusses the origin of English noun suffixes,including Old English,Latin,French and Greek.A statistical analysis of some typical noun suffixes is followed in two corpora,which focuses on their frequency and distribution.
  【Key words】 English noun suffixes,corpora,statistical
  Modern English is derived from the languages of early Germanic tribes with a fairly small vocabulary.Its expansion depends chiefly on word-formation.One of the productive means is suffixation.Suffixes in English can be mainly grouped into noun,verb,adjective and adverb suffixes on a grammatical basis.What is studied in this paper is noun suffixes.
  Chapter 1
  The Etymological Classification of English Noun Suffixes
  Influenced by the development of English history,noun suffixes have different origins,mainly including Old English,Latin,French and Greek.
  (1) Noun Suffixes from Old English
  E.g.-dom in kingdom; -er in farmer; -hood in childhood; -ness in kindness; -ship in friendship; -th in warmth; etc.
  (2) Noun Suffixes from Latin
  E.g.–ion in inflation; -al in proposal; -or in actor; -ancy/ency in efficiency; -ary in adversary; -ity in calamity; etc.
  (3) Noun Suffixes from French
  E.g.–ance in attendance; -ant in applicant; -ment: in document; -eur in amateur; -ee in employee; -let in booklet; -age in foliage; -ure in exposure; etc.
  (4) Noun Suffixes from Greek
  E.g.–gram in telegram;-graph in autograph;-ism in idealism;-logy in astrology;-phone in megaphone;-itis in arthritis;etc.
  Chapter 2
  Frequencies of Selected English Noun Suffixes in Corpora FR88
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