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市场营销观念的演变经历了五个阶段,即生产观念、产品观念、销售观念、市场营销观念和社会营销观念阶段。现代市场营销的核心是客户,就是发现客户的需求,通过自己的营销活动,满足客户需求,符合社会利益,并从中获利。营销管理,在西方已从传统的产品、价格、渠道和促销(4P),发展到客户、成本、便利和沟通(4C)。营销管理观念的核心,是基于市场越来越细分,客户越来越成熟,不是企业来左右客户,而是企业必须以客户为中心。中国的电焊机行业,可分为三个层次:第一层次为有品牌、规模较大的企业,第二层次为有一定影响、规模中等的企业,第三层次为 The evolution of marketing concept has gone through five stages, namely, production concept, product concept, sales concept, marketing concept and social marketing concept stage. The core of modern marketing is the customer, that is, discovering the needs of customers, through their own marketing activities to meet customer needs, in line with social interests, and profit. Marketing management in the West has evolved from traditional products, prices, channels and promotions (4P) to customer, cost, convenience and communication (4C). Marketing management concept of the core, is based on the market more and more subdivision, more and more mature customers, not about the business to the customer, but the business must be customer-centric. China’s welding machine industry, can be divided into three levels: the first level for the brand, large-scale enterprises, the second level is a certain impact, the scale of the enterprise, the third level
国际基金经理们渴望能利用中国正在崛起的经济,他们关注中国国内的股票市场已有很长一段时间了。 几年前.人们的话题还是,中国无穷无尽的消费市场将很快吞食美国的产品,包括
1. be going to与will  两者都表示将来,但侧重点不同。  ⑴be going to多用于表示近期,眼下要发生的事情,will则远些。eg:  He is going to write a letter tonight. 今晚他要写封信。  He’ll write a book one day. 总有一天他会写书。(但现代英语中这一区别已不明显)   ⑵be going to表示有
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秋意初凉,风高云淡。 又是一年金秋好时节,金的银杏,红的香山! 又是一年中公路货运的旺季,但对许多货运公司的经理们而言,哪里还有时间去理会这缤纷的美景。车辆的分散、交