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钚是极毒类放射性核素之一,在超铀核素的毒理学研究中,钚占有重要的地位。本文着重介绍不同钚化合物由不同途径进入体内的致癌效应研究。结果表明:(1)钚确系具有高度致癌毒性的放射性核素;(2)低水平硝酸钚可诱发大鼠骨肉瘤,在185kBq·kg~(-1)组肿瘤发生率为38.9%或42.9%;(3)二氧化钚可诱发大鼠肺癌(主要是鳞状细胞癌),对胸部淋巴结的生物效应值得引起注视;(4)钚、锶、铈多种核素复合作用下,其诱发效应大于单一核素的作用,可呈现相加效应或协同效应;(5)通过比较毒理学的方法,从动物资料外推到人,估计钚致人体骨肉瘤的危险度为600/10~6人·cGy,并对此危险度值结合国内外资料进行评论。 Radon is one of the most toxic radionuclides, and it plays an important role in the toxicology research of transuranic nuclides. This article focuses on the study of the carcinogenic effects of different germanium compounds entering the body from different pathways. The results showed that: (1) the carp was indeed a radionuclide with high carcinogenic toxicity; (2) low-level barium nitrate could induce rat osteosarcoma, and the incidence of tumor in the 185kBq·kg -1 group was 38.9% or 42.9. (3) Cerium dioxide can induce lung cancer in rats (mainly squamous cell carcinoma), and the biological effects on chest lymph nodes deserve attention; (4) Induced by a variety of radionuclide complexes of plutonium, plutonium, and indole. The effect is greater than the effect of a single nuclides, which may present an additive effect or a synergistic effect; (5) Estimating the risk of osteosarcoma in humans is 600/10~6, through extrapolation of toxicological methods from animal data to humans. Man cGy, and comment on this risk combined with domestic and foreign data.
改不了爱吃零食的习惯?可你知道吗?它是造成肥胖的罪魁祸首。如果不想戒口,那就跟着《瘦佳人》利用运动来攻破它,让自己既不丢掉这些美食,还能美美变瘦吧! Can not change t
桥粒是一种细胞连结结构.近年来,国外在桥粒的基础及应用研究方面取得了一些进展,现综述如下.一、桥较形态结构桥粒可分为两类,斑状桥粒(spot desmosome)和带状桥粒(belt de
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硬的、柔软的、稀黄的、秃秃的……一百个宝宝就有一百种不一样的头发。小小发丝,也让妈妈烦恼不已。 Hard, soft, thin yellow, bald ... a hundred babies have a hundred
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