
来源 :国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanlaiyizhizailiula
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本文在收集2003-2009年数据的基础上,运用广义线性模型,对影响我国各地区创业活动及其带动就业状况的经济发展水平、产业结构、人口素质等宏观因素进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,东部地区的创业活动明显比中西部地区活跃。在每名创业者带动就业人数方面,各地区之间的差别不大。人均GDP水平与第三产业比重均对创业人数及创业带动就业人数具有正面的积极影响,且第三产业比重的效应要比人均GDP明显。但研究也发现,人口素质与各地区创业人数和创业带动就业人数呈负相关关系。 Based on the data collected from 2003 to 2009, this paper uses the generalized linear model to analyze the macroeconomic factors such as the level of economic development, industrial structure and population quality that affect the entrepreneurial activity and the employment status in various regions of China. The results show that the entrepreneurial activity in the eastern region is obviously more active than in the central and western regions. There is not much difference between regions in terms of the number of jobs each entrepreneur brings. Both GDP per capita and the proportion of tertiary industry have a positive and positive impact on the number of start-ups and the number of start-up employment, and the effect of the proportion of the tertiary industry is more significant than that of per capita GDP. However, the study also found that the quality of the population was negatively correlated with the number of start-ups and the number of start-ups driven by employment in various regions.
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