
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoxiaoyan0
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随着物质文明和精神文明的不断增长和提高,人们对生活质量的追求更上一个台阶。旅游成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分,随着旅游业的飞速发展,旅游业中的问题也随之显现,其中,导游素质问题首当其冲,与此同时,导游素质低下为重申整个旅游业,对提高导游整体素质提供了契机和可能。在反思导游素质问题的过程中,应该把导游作为一个整体,而不是针对某个个人进行分析,应该通过现象看本质,结合历史与现实,现象和本质,用马克思主义科学的方法论分析原因与路径。本文将从思想政治教育的角度分析导游素质低下的原因及解决路径。首先,分析导游素质低下问题的原因;其次,探析导游素质低下与思想政治教育的内在联系,这种联系为通过思想政治教育改善导游素质低下提供了可能;最后,反思导游素质低下对思想政治教育的启示,并提出解决问题的途径。 With the continuous growth and improvement of material civilization and spiritual civilization, people’s pursuit of quality of life goes to a higher level. Tourism has become an indispensable part of people’s life. With the rapid development of tourism industry, problems in tourism industry also appear. Among them, tourist quality problems bear the brunt. At the same time, tourist guides are of low quality. To reiterate the tourism industry, Improve the overall quality of tour guides provides an opportunity and possibility. In the course of reflecting on the quality problems of tour guides, tour guides should be regarded as a whole rather than an individual for analysis. The phenomenon should be viewed through phenomena and nature, combined with history and reality, phenomena and essence, with the scientific methodology of Marxism to analyze the causes and paths . This article will analyze the reasons for the low quality of tour guides and their solutions from the perspective of ideological and political education. First of all, it analyzes the reasons why the quality of tour guides is low. Secondly, it analyzes the inherent relationship between tour guides’ low quality and ideological and political education. This kind of connection provides the possibility to improve the quality of tour guides through ideological and political education. Finally, Inspiration, and put forward ways to solve the problem.
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