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人们在日常生活中通过游戏来愉悦身心,解除疲劳,调节精神,以收到积极休息,增强体质的效果。游戏在学校中作为一种体育活动,能激发学生对体育课的热情,在体育课中占有不可忽视的地位、下面我结合教学实践谈淡体育游戏的做法和体会。 一、体育游戏的分类和作用 体育课中的游戏,从目的和任务来看,不外乎三种:第一种是对体育课起着准备作用的游戏。体育课开始,不要单纯让学生总是“跑几圈”,这样学生会感到乏味:要尽可能通过一个小型、时间短、容易组织、运动量适宜的游戏,如“喊数抱团”“传接球”、“抱球接力”等,使学生进入准备阶段。因为学生在紧张的文化课学习后,大脑在新知识、新信息的高频率刺激下,已很疲劳,刚上体育课表现为注意力不易转向体力活动,反应迟钝。这时游戏活动可以引起学生的兴趣,使精神放松,对预防运动损伤也能起到一定作用。第二种是以锻炼身体,发展身体素质,复习学过的运动技术技能为目的的游戏。这种游戏应由体育教师根据教学情况和学生年龄、性别以及学生实际水平,自编自创。如上完体操后,根据学生掌握动作情况,把所学动作进行选择和编排,按循环练习的方式,合理地编成竞赛性游戏,或者把所学田径、球类等技术动作混合编 People in the daily life through the game to enjoy the body and mind, relieve fatigue, adjust the spirit, to receive positive rest, enhance the effect of physical fitness. Games in the school as a kind of sports activities, can stimulate students’ enthusiasm for physical education class, occupy a place that can not be ignored in the physical education class, the following I combined teaching practice to talk about the practice and experience of the sports games. First, the classification and role of sports games Sports lessons in the game, from the purpose and the task point of view, nothing more than three: The first is to play a role in the preparation of physical education games. At the beginning of the physical education class, students should not simply “run around for a few laps”. Students will feel tedious: try to adopt a small, short-term, easy-to-organize, and appropriate-exercise game, such as “cry in groups” and “pass the ball”. , “Holding the ball relay” and so on, so that students enter the preparation phase. Because after the students have studied in a stressful cultural class, the brain is tired with the high frequency of new knowledge and new information. As soon as the students have entered physical education, they are less likely to turn to physical activity and become unresponsive. At this time, the game activity can arouse students’ interest, relax the spirit, and play a role in preventing sports injuries. The second is a game for the purpose of exercising the body, developing physical fitness, and reviewing the learned sports skills. This kind of game should be created and created by the PE teacher according to the teaching situation and the student’s age, gender and student’s actual level. After completing the exercises as above, according to the student’s mastery of the movement situation, the students’ movements are selected and arranged, and the games are properly compiled into a competitive game according to the way of cycling practice, or the technical movements of the track and field and the ball games are mixed.
在我们滇西老家有句俗语:今年掰枝丫,明年吃泥巴。意思是说在采摘果实的时候,不能把生长果实的树枝一起掰断,否则来年就没有果实吃了。这句话除了劝导人眼光要长远外,还给人一种感恩的教育,因为果树为你结出了果实,你不能伤害它,而是应该尊重它、善待它。  小时候,爹就经常在我耳边唠叨这句话。我始终认为,这与我家院里那棵蜂糖梨树有关。我不知道怎么向你描述那种被我们称为“蜂糖梨”的梨。据查,生产在滇西的这种梨至
那年到蒙古去旅游,时值夏日,草原上气候宜人,风景优美,让人感到是那样舒爽惬意。  空气尤其新鲜,宛若来到了一个天然氧吧。绿茵茵的草场上,更有或星星点点、或一团一簇的五颜六色的鲜花点缀其中,让人情趣倍增。我拉了同伴赶紧跑到那些花旁边,仔细端详一番,又相互与鲜花合影拍照……  这样不知不觉就到了吃午饭的时间,朋友格日照图热情款待了我们。在席间,我兴致勃勃地将拍摄的照片给朋友看,说:“我们来的真是时候,
冬季里  你处于逆境  但始终没有忘记  锻炼和积蓄自己的力量  等待机会准备崛起    春季来临  你把握住时机  屏住氣用劲钻出地面  宣告自己战胜了冬天  你胜利了    忍受过雪下的寒凉  忍受过地底的憋闷  你没有被窒息  举起新绿的大旗  展示生命的伟力    你的微笑很甜蜜  也更加自信  为大地母亲的美丽  为人类环境的洁净  显出自己的芳菲   (编辑 安吉尔)
肾脏平滑肌肉瘤1例报告100853 北京 解放军总医院董隽,石怀银,李炎唐关键词肾肿瘤,平滑肌肉瘤,病例报告中国图书资料分类号R737.11肾脏肉瘤占肾肿瘤的3%,最常见类型是肾脏平滑肌肉瘤,脂肪肉瘤、横