
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshinewlm
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目的为了解农村居民对健康知识和行为形成的情况和评价健康促进的效果。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,干预前后抽取西侯村家庭妇女2 0 0人、小学教师2 0人、小学生1 5 0人进行健康知识和行为形成两类问卷调查,用干预前问卷和干预后问卷得分进行比较,评价健康促进效果。结果干预前和干预后三类目标人群健康知识总知晓率为4 6.3 2%和7 1.3 5%,干预前后比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=6 4.6 7,P<0.0 1)。干预前和干预后三类目标人群行为形成率为4 5.0 0%和6 9.93%,干预前后比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=6 3.7 5,P<0.0 1)。结论西侯村目标人群健康知识和行为形成情况均较低,通过健康促进后,目标人群对健康知识和行为形成情况都有了很大提高,面对全县推广健康促进工作模式提供了科学依据。 Purpose To understand the rural residents’ health knowledge and behavior formation and evaluate the effect of health promotion. Methods A stratified cluster random sampling method was adopted. Before and after the intervention, 200 families, 200 elementary school teachers and 150 elementary school students were selected to conduct two types of questionnaires: health knowledge and behavior formation. Before questionnaire and After the intervention questionnaire scores were compared to evaluate the health promotion effect. Results Before and after intervention, the total awareness rate of health knowledge among the three target groups was 4 6.32% and 7.13%, respectively. There was significant difference between before and after intervention (χ2 = 6 4.67, P <0.01). The pre-intervention and post-intervention rates of behavior of the three target groups were 4 5.0% and 69.93%, respectively, with statistically significant differences before and after intervention (χ2 = 6 3.7 5, P <0.01). Conclusion The health knowledge and behavioral formation of the target population in Xihou village are low. After the health promotion, the target population has greatly improved the health knowledge and behavior formation, and provided a scientific basis for promoting the health promotion mode in the county .
我院1991年至1995年5月抢救急性有机磷农药中毒124例,其中并发低钠血症42例,现就其发生的医源性因素及防治措施予以探讨。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:男6例,女36例;年龄13~62
患者 女,43岁。因患口腔溃疡,经人传授偏方而生食重约50g的草鱼胆2个。2小时后出现呕吐、黄水样稀便及脐周疼痛,24小时后出现无尿。在当地卫生院按“急性胃肠炎”给予吡哌酸
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在创业板业绩低迷的今天,膳食营养补充剂第一股汤臣倍健逆市飘红。最新披露的汤臣倍健第三季度报告显示,今年1-9月汤臣倍健净利润较上年同期增长63.78%。前三季,营业收入同比增长69.82%。公司主营的膳食营养补充剂业务继续保持良好的发展态势,经营业绩较2011年同期稳步增长。  汤臣倍健董事长梁允超曾把营养保健品行业称之为“舌尖”上的行业、“刀尖”上的企业。梁允超说:“汤臣倍健无时无刻不如履薄冰。