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在认识到农用吸附剂的功用后,农产品进一步发展的一条最富远景的途径是,将非金属矿物和岩石用于动物繁育和作物栽培两个方面。目前,非金属矿物广泛用作农肥、化学和生物制剂的吸附剂和载体。农用非金属吸附剂,诸如膨润土、沸石、珍珠岩、凝灰岩以及泥灰岩等在下述两个方面都可显效。一方面,从离子交换的角度来看,它们可减少农肥被水冲出,提高水份的蓄积能力和改良土壤;另一方面,它们能以最能接受的方式将养份直接输送给农作物,并视农作物的品种,土壤中腐殖酸的含量、酸度和球粒结构的分布状况,以及气侯条件,提高其产量10~100%。此外,农用非金属吸附剂可以减少化学药剂渗入底层土壤内的水中,并往往亦可减少其排入大气圈。本文将扼要评述在捷克和埃及使用膨润土所作的大田试验和实际种植经验。为便于总结研究成果起见,来自世界各地的各种成果亦被考虑在内。 Recognizing the utility of agricultural sorbents, one of the most promising ways to further develop agricultural products is to use non-metallic minerals and rock for both animal breeding and crop cultivation. At present, non-metallic minerals are widely used as adsorbents and carriers for agricultural fertilizer, chemical and biological agents. Agricultural non-metallic adsorbents, such as bentonite, zeolite, perlite, tuff and marl, are effective in the following two aspects. On the one hand, from the viewpoint of ion exchange, they reduce the outflow of agricultural fertilizer by water, increase the accumulation capacity of water and improve the soil; on the other hand, they can deliver nutrients directly to crops in the most acceptable way, And depending on crop varieties, soil humic acid content, acidity and distribution of spherical structure, as well as the climatic conditions, to increase its production of 10 to 100%. In addition, agricultural non-metallic adsorbents reduce the penetration of chemicals into the water in the underlying soils and often reduce their discharge into the atmosphere. This article gives a brief review of the field trials and practical planting practices using bentonite in the Czech Republic and Egypt. For the sake of concluding the research results, various achievements from all over the world have also been taken into account.
【摘要】20世纪80年代,国外偏误分析理论和中介语理论被引入我国学术界。新世纪以来,对外汉语语序偏误逐渐引起学界的重视。本文将从语序偏误分析的类型、语料来源、研究对象的背景、分析方法、偏误原因和教学建议这六个方面对以往的研究成果进行归纳总结,并对该领域未来的发展进行展望。  【关键词】汉语语序 偏误 偏误分析 研究综述  【中图分类号】G642.3 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089
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