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省政府、省纪委转发《国务院、中央纪委关于坚决制止乱涨生产资料价格和向建设单位乱摊派费用的紧急通知》后,多数地区、部门态度坚决,行动迅速,措施果断,停止执行了不符合国家规定的取赞项目。但有的地区、部门缺乏有力措施,个别地方仍继续收取不符合国家规定的各种费用。根据国家计委遵照国务院领导同志的指示发来的传真电报精神,现作如下紧急通知:一、严格区别乱摊派赞用和正常取费的界限。凡按国家规定(包括国家计委、原国家建委、财政部、中国人民建设银行、劳动人 After the provincial government and the provincial Commission of Discipline Inspection transmitted the “State Council and Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Central Government Discipline Inspection Commission issued a circular on resolutely putting an end to the jittery prices of production materials and the indiscriminate payment of fees to construction units”, the majority of regions and departments are determined to act quickly and act decisively to stop implementing nonconformities National provisions to take praise project. However, in some regions and departments, there is a lack of effective measures and some places continue to charge fees that do not meet the state’s requirements. According to the telegraph and telegraph letter sent by the State Development Planning Commission in accordance with the instructions of the leading comrades of the State Council, the following urgent notice is hereby issued: 1. Strictly distinguish the limits of the apportioned appropriation and the ordinary fee collection. Where the state regulations (including the State Planning Commission, the former State Construction Commission, the Ministry of Finance, China Construction Bank, working people
第一条 为严肃查处价格违法行为,有效控制居民基本生活必需品和服务价格的上涨幅度,保障人民生活的基本稳定和社会的安定,根据价格管理条例等价格法规的规定,结合我省实际,
贯彻《教师法》 教师的心声──在银川地区学习宣传《教师法》大会上的发言银川一中陈毓秦今天,自治区和银川市人民政府在这里隆重召开银川地区学习宣传《教师法》大会,这既是
现将《中华人民共和国商标法实施细则》发给你们,请认真按照执行。第一条根据《中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称《商标法》)第四十二条的规定,特制定 Now “the People’s
《吉林省渔业管理条例》已经一九八四年二月十八日吉林省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议原则批准。现予公布施行。 The Jilin Provincial Fisheries Management O
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