公证应在国家新一轮改革中发挥重要作用 基层公证员十八届三中全会精神学习与感悟

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刚刚闭幕的十八届三中全会审议通过了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》。全会的胜利召开,标志着我国新一轮改革的大幕已经拉开。改革,与每个人息息相关,与每个行业命运相连。涓涓细流汇成江河,党中央为改革发展指明了方向,我们应当积极响应,踊跃投身到改革当中来,共同为“中国梦”的实现尽自己的绵薄之力。一、紧紧围绕十八届三中全会部署,找准公证服务深化改革的着力点经过35年的改革开放,我国的发展成就举世瞩目,不仅成为世界第二大经济体,而且各项社会事业取得了巨大的进步,人民生活水平有了显著提升,但在快速发展中也存在着很多突出矛盾和问题,如环境污染、收入分配差距过大、腐败严重、司法不公等等,人们期盼能够通过深层次的改革来破解这些疑难杂症。经济迫切需要增强发展 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, having just concluded its review, passed the “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Important Issues concerning the Overall Deepening of Reform.” The victory of the plenary session marks the beginning of a new round of reform in our country. Reform, closely linked to everyone, is linked to the destiny of each industry. Trickle down together into rivers, the CPC Central Committee pointed out the direction for the reform and development, we should respond positively, actively involved in the reform to come together to “China Dream” to achieve their own modest. I. Focusing on the Deployment of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and Finding the Points of Notary Services Deepening Reform After 35 years of reform and opening up, China’s development achievements have attracted worldwide attention. It has not only become the second largest economy in the world, but also various social undertakings Great progress has been made and living standards of the people have been significantly improved. However, there are also many outstanding contradictions and problems in the rapid development such as environmental pollution, excessive income distribution, corruption, unfair judiciary, etc. People are looking forward to Through deep reform to solve these incurable diseases. Economic urgently needs to enhance development
在信息和网络时代的激流中应运而生和发展 1994年 , 原中 国电 信正 式在 国内 对 社会 团体 和公 众 开 展 互 联 网 服 务 业务 ; 1996 年 , 解 放 军 报技 术部 门申
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