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课堂是高中教育最主要的教学场所,也是学生获取知识,锻炼能力的最重要的渠道。但是,高中数学的课堂教学时间是非常有限的,如何利用好课堂宝贵的时间,迅速提高学生获取知识和技能的效率。新的课程标准下,如何实现高中数学教学的有效性,是摆在高中数学老师面前的一个重要的课题,本文立足于当前高中数学教学实际,从创设教学情境、优化教学手段、实施延时评价、活跃课堂教学气氛等方面展开研究,旨在为高中数学教学提供参考建议。 Classroom is the most important teaching place for high school education and also the most important channel for students to acquire knowledge and exercise ability. However, high school mathematics classroom teaching time is very limited, how to make good use of classroom valuable time, and rapidly improve the efficiency of students to acquire knowledge and skills. Under the new curriculum standard, how to realize the effectiveness of high school mathematics teaching is an important subject that the high school mathematics teacher faces before. Based on the current high school mathematics teaching practice, this article from the creation of teaching situations, optimizing teaching methods, the implementation of delay evaluation , Active classroom teaching atmosphere and other aspects of research, designed to provide reference for high school mathematics teaching.
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