
来源 :小演奏家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:new_spider
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开幕篇酝酿“相聚北京”早在2007年2月,就得到《小演奏家》杂志社的消息,今年将举办第四届“以音乐的名义相聚北京”音乐夏令营,因为有了两年前参加2005年“以音乐的名义相聚北京”的难忘感受,我几乎是毫不忧郁就决定了要带我的学生“相聚北京”。于是我们也就开始筹备和计划这次活动。 The Opening Preamble “Meet Beijing” As early as February 2007, we got the news of the “Little Performer” magazine and this year we will hold the fourth “Summer Music Camp” in the name of music because of Two years ago, when I joined the unforgettable experience of “meeting Beijing in the name of music” in 2005, I almost decided to bring my student “Get together in Beijing” without any melancholy. So we started to prepare and plan this event.
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一群小小少年来到借书摊前.什么凿壁偷光,什么刻舟求剑,什么孔融让梨,什么草船借剑,一本本画册挑来拣去, A group of young people came to the book stalls before what st
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