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A new coordination polymer of Cd(Ⅱ) was prepared by the reaction of Cd(ClO4)2·6H2O with mixed ligands, namely, neutral double betaine derivative 1,3-bis(pyridinio-4-carboxylato)propane and SCN- anion in aqueous solution. The crystal structure of 1 has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Crystal data for 1: orthorhombic, space group P212121, a=1.050 9(2), b=1.162 8(2), c=1.649 5(3) nm, V=2.015 7(7) nm3, Z=4, F(000)=1 064, Dc=1.756 g·cm-3, the final R=0.050 8 and wR=0.130 1 for 3 530 observed reflections [I>2σ(I)]. Crystal structure of 1 indicates that the ( μ-1,3-NCS) bridging NCS- ligand connects neighboring cadmium atoms, leading to a single strand helical chain which propagates along crystallographic a axis. The metallic nodes of adjacent helical chains are linked by monodentate-monodentate coordination mode of both carboxylate groups in L molecules to generate 2D coordination sheet which parallels to the (001) plane. Adjacent layers are further joined by C-H…O hydrogen bonds; the structure thus expanded into a three-dimensional network. CCDC: 612657. A new coordination polymer of Cd (II) was prepared by the reaction of Cd (ClO 4) 2 .6H 2 O with mixed ligands, namely, neutral double betaine derivative 1,3-bis (pyridinio-4-carboxylato) propane and SCN-anion in The crystal structure of 1 has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Crystal data for 1: orthorhombic, space group P212121, a = 1.050 9 (2), b = 1.162 8 (2), c = 1.649 5 (3) nm, V = 2.015 7 (7) nm3, Z = 4, F (000) = 1 064, Dc = 1.756 g · cm -3, final R = 0.050 8 and wR = 0.130 1 for 3 Crystal structure of 1 indicates that (μ-1,3-NCS) bridging NCS-ligand connects neighboring cadmium atoms, leading to a single strand helical chain which propagates along crystallographic a axis . The metallic nodes of adjacent helical chains are linked by monodentate-monodentate coordination mode of both carboxylate groups in L molecules to generate 2D coordination sheets which parallels to the (001) plane. Adjacent layers are further joined by C-H ... O hydrogen bonds; the structure has expanded into a three-dimensional network. CCDC: 612657.
首先要观察清楚再倒车。倒车的主要问题在于视野小,因此,在倒车前一定要观察清楚后再倒车。如果您利用后视镜倒车,应熟悉后视镜显示的景物与实际物体的差距。 First of all
很多人在谈论21世纪将是生物学世纪。这种说法不一定确切。但是,一个时代前面冠以一个学科的名称,两者总得要有特殊的联系。也就是说,在此历史阶段中这学科必须是:(1) 学术