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辩证法似乎有些过时,再没人提起,好像民国之后男人头上的辫子,一下子消失了。我去过以色列,如今又在澳大利亚工作,有时不免要把这两个国家放在一起比较比较。一比就发现,辩证法没有消失,它一直在起作用。这两个国家有许多相似之处,都是外来移民建立的,都实行议会民主,都受到英美的支持。不同之处也不少,澳大利亚面积大,是 The dialectic seems to be somewhat out of date, and no one else mentions it. It is like the blind man on the head of the Republic of China. It disappears suddenly. I have been to Israel and I now work in Australia. Sometimes I can’t help comparing the two countries together. As soon as the ratio was discovered, the dialectic did not disappear and it had been working. There are many similarities in these two countries. They are all established by immigrants and they all implement parliamentary democracy. Both are supported by Britain and the United States. There are also many differences. Australia is large in size and is
A small boy and his father were having a walk in the country when itsuddenly began to rain very hard.They did not have an umbrella withthem, and there was nowh
他感到又高兴又后悔,高兴的是他拿了一些;后悔的是没能多拿一点 He felt happy and regretted. He was pleased that he took some; what he regretted was not able to tak
姥姥.姥爷: 你们好! 最近实在太忙了。图书馆的书要借、还、读.考试得准备,作业得做,饭得烧,衣服得洗,同学得会,E-mail得回,演讲稿得改……我都快累死了,只想着能痛痛快快地
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1.交通规则规定,红灯时一定要停车。可是有一天一个司机在红灯亮了以后还是闯了过去,而警察不闻不问。请问为什么? 2.一只凶恶的饿猫,看到一只老鼠,为何撒腿就跑? 3.一艘船