
来源 :中国医院药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Johnson_Gu
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调配散药时产生的尘埃叫药尘,医院中约有17%的药剂人员有过敏症状,药尘也是污染药品的原因之一。作者以散剂调剂药尘为对象,用显微镜观察和薄层析法进行研究,以铜箔采集。一周内落下尘,重量平均为6.5mg/cm~2相当于每小时14mg/m~2,以计算器采集落下尘用显微镜观察。5~20μm 的粒子占药尘量52%,其中卵圆形粒子占40%,显微镜下,与散剂的粒子比较,典型的卵形粒子与淀粉 The dust generated during the deployment of bulk medicine is called drug dust. About 17% of the pharmacy personnel in the hospital have allergic symptoms. Drug dust is also one of the causes of contaminated drugs. The authors studied powder dust as the object, studied with microscopy and thin-layer chromatography, and collected them with copper foil. Dust falling in one week, with an average weight of 6.5mg/cm~2 corresponds to 14mg/m~2 per hour. The dust collected by the calculator was observed with a microscope. 5~20μm particles accounted for 52% of the dust content, of which ovoid particles accounted for 40%, under the microscope, compared with powder particles, typical oval particles and starch
为帮助我区标准化和质量工作者及时、系统地了解 2000版 ISO9000标准 (DIS稿 )的内容,顺利、平稳地完成新老标准的转化过渡工作,我会受广西质量技术监督局的委托,于 9月 18日~ 21
本文介绍用根外追肥技术,补充人参代谢过程中所需要的某些养料。增强人参的抗逆性,提高其产量与质量,是一项既经济又方便的重要增产增值的技术措施之一。 This article desc
中国中医研究院西苑医院与江苏省无锡县电子仪器二厂合作,研制的 WYA 型微量红细胞比积仪近日在北京通过鉴定。该仪器性能稳定,操作方便,重复性好,仅需0.03ml 血液,5分钟即
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