Proximate composition, nutritional values and phytochemical screening of Piper retrofractum vahl.fru

来源 :亚太热带生物医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a398215555
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Objective:To investigate the proximate and mineral composition of the Piper retrofractum (P.retrofractum) vahl.Fruit and to evaluate its total alkaloids,phenol and flavonoid.Methods:The proximate composition of P.retrofractum fruit was ananlyzed using standard protocols according to Indonesian Standard and Association of Official Analytical Chemist.Meanwhile,mineral composition of the fruit was analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry.Phytochemical screening and quantification were performed using standard protocols according to Harb and spectrophotometric methods.Results:The results showed that P.retrofractum fruit contained carbohydrate (63.4%),crude protein (11.4%),total ash (4.29%),dietary fiber (28.8%) and total fat (2.97%).The fruit also contained calcium,copper,iron,magnesium,phosphor,potassium,sodium and zinc in different concentrations.Additionally,quinone,sterol,glycosides and alkaloid were detected in both n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts.Moreover,tannin was presented also in ethylacetate and methanol extracts.Meanwhile,methanol extract contained sterol,glycosides,flavones,tannin and alkaloid.The results also revealed that methanol extract of the fruit contained highest phenol compared to other extract.Finally,small quantity of flavonoid (0.060 0%±0.000 2%) was observed.Conclusions:The overall results show that P.retrofractum contains potential nutritional and phytochemicals values,which support their function for pharmaceutical purposes.
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