
来源 :世界机电经贸信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fugle0908
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1997年我国机电产品出口增长较快,继续保持第一大类出口商品的地位,机电产品出口首次超过机电产品进口,实现了有条件的机电产品进出口平衡有余,为我国外贸出口增长和国民经济发展做出了重要贡献。1997年机电产品出口增长原因是多方面的。一是世界机电市场呈稳定增长态势,对我机电产品需求旺盛。二是年初国务院批准国家经贸委关于“九五”期间扩大机电产品出口的意见,明确了发展目标、指导思想和若干政策措施,在融资、保险、担保、技改等方面加大 In 1997, China’s exports of mechanical and electrical products grew rapidly, and continued to maintain its status as the largest export commodity. Electromechanical products exported for the first time exceeded the import of mechanical and electrical products, achieving a balance in the import and export of mechanical and electrical products that are conditional, and the export growth and national economy of China. Development has made important contributions. The reasons for the growth of export of electromechanical products in 1997 were many. First, the world’s electromechanical market has shown steady growth, and the demand for electromechanical products has been strong. Second, at the beginning of the year, the State Council approved the State Economic and Trade Commission’s opinion on the expansion of the export of mechanical and electrical products during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan”, clarified the development goals, guiding ideology, and several policies and measures, and increased the scope of financing, insurance, guarantees, technical reforms, etc.
中国加入WTO已有几年时间,面对入世之后的市场,我国的暖通空调业如何应对入世带来的机遇和挑战。小型电制冷空调制造业随着我国东部大城市的人均G D P达到3000美元或3000美元
一年一度的中国国际渔业博览会,已作为国内外贸易商洽谈业务、订货的主要渠道之一。今年10月27—29日在我国大连 The annual China International Fisheries Expo has beco
(海关统计)金额单位:万美元口序号商品 名 称计量单位累 计比上年同期增长%数量金额数量金额2829电动工具其中:手提式各式电钻 手提式砂磨工具电子游戏机不锈钢厨具录、放像机
电子贸促会1998年部分展览项目计划表来华国厅属展览会名称时间地点面积展品内容l第三届深圳国际电子生产设备及微电子工业展览会 (N EPCON Shenzhen,98)9月8日9月11日深圳国
in unit,thousand US$一Import of Motor VehiclesJan. to Feb. , 1998 In unit,thousand US$-Import of Motor VehiclesJan. to Feb. , 1998