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(一) 2000年,号称“百湖之市”的鄂州大地遭受着百年不遇特大旱灾的威胁。水井干涸,大地龟裂,25座水库和1.3万口堰塘滴水无存,全市4个区30个乡镇315个村、113.13万亩农作物告急,72.7万人口受灾。晚稻无法播种! 农民饮水困难! 严重的旱情烧灼着省、市领导一颗颗关切、焦虑的心。8月2日,鄂州市委召开紧急会议后,作出重大决定:开启樊口大闸,放江水灌入梁子湖以降伏旱魔,打一场超保规划的攻坚战! 命令传到市水利局樊口大闸管理处。巍巍的樊口大闸在一刹那间显得威严起来。自1972年建闸至今,28年从未开启过船闸人字门。开闸,必先清除水下10米深的障碍物,而面对咆哮翻滚的江水,谁当这个“开路先锋”? 在樊口大闸管理处众多的请缨者中,站出了年仅25岁的共青团员杜少兵。他的浓眉下亮着闪电,英俊的眉宇间刻着果敢与坚毅。他请愿说:“我是潜水员,1998年抗洪,人字门漏水是我堵的,我熟悉水下情况,我保证完成好任务,这个‘先锋’让我当吧!” 英雄誓言,掷地有声。处领导同意了他的请求。他在汹涌澎湃的江水下鏖战了3个多小时,用血汗谱写敬业,用生命浇铸忠诚。终于彻底清除了“人”字门下的障碍物!8月4日,闸门开启,接着,奔腾的江水倾入梁子湖,鄂 (A) In 2000, the Ezhou territories known as the “City of Baihu” suffered the threat of a century-long special drought. Water wells dried up, the earth cracked, 25 reservoirs and 13,000 weirs drip no deposit, the city’s 4 districts and 30 towns and 315 villages, 11313 acres of crops in an emergency, 727,000 people affected. Late rice can not be planted! Difficulties in drinking water for peasants! Serious drought burns the heart and anxiety of leaders in provinces and municipalities. August 2, Ezhou municipal party committee held an emergency meeting, made a major decision: open the gate of Fankou, put the river poured into the Liangzi Lake in order to reduce the drought, play a super plan to fight tough battle! Order passed to the Municipal Water Resources Bureau Fankou large Gate Management Office. The fierce gate of Fankou seemed dignified in an instant. Since its establishment in 1972, it has never opened a ship’s gate in 28 years. Opening the gate, we must first clear the underwater 10 meters deep obstacles, and the face of roaring rolling river, who should be the “pioneer”? Fan mouth gate management office in many of the participants, stand out of the year Only 25-year-old Communist Youth Corps Du Shaobing. His thick eyebrow under the light of lightning, handsome brow engraved with courage and perseverance. He petitioned: “I am a diver. In 1998, I resisted floods, and the water leaks in the door of the word I was blocked. I was familiar with the underwater situation and I promised to finish the task. The pioneer let me know!” . The leader agreed to his request. He battled in the surging river for more than three hours, writing hard-working, casting loyalty with life. Finally cleared the “people ” word door obstructions! August 4, the gate open, then, Pentium pouring into the river lakes, E
诺贝尔生理学或医学获奖者北京时间2013年10月7日下午5点30分,2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖揭晓,得主为詹姆斯·E.罗斯曼(James E.Rothman)、兰迪·谢克曼(Randy W.Schekman)