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随着微博、微信等新媒体的不断涌现,我国传统的信息传播格局被打破,公众接受信息的方式也发生了较大的改变。在此背景下,我国电影产业的发展模式也呈现出新的态势。作为新媒体与传统电影艺术融合发展的产物,微电影逐渐进入我国的电影市场。微电影的出现,为当前我国青年亚文化的传播提供了新的载体,但与此同时,青年亚文化也对微电影的发展产生了一定的负面影响。如何理性引导微电影的发展,引领健康的青年文化,是新媒体环 With the continuous emergence of new media such as Weibo and WeChat, the traditional pattern of information dissemination in our country has been broken down and the way in which the public receives information has also undergone major changes. In this context, the development model of China’s movie industry is also showing a new trend. As a result of the integration of new media and traditional film art, micro-movies gradually enter the movie market of our country. The emergence of micro-movies has provided a new carrier for the current youth subculture in our country, but at the same time, the youth subculture has also had a certain negative impact on the development of micro-movies. How to guide the development of micro-movies rationally and lead a healthy youth culture is a new media ring
By using semiclassical theory combined with multiple-scale method, we analytically study the linear absorption and the nonlinear dynamical properties in a lifet
In this Letter, a method for detecting the focused beam waist of lasers is proposed by using weak measurements based on the so-called weak-value amplification.
DIY领域可谓活到老学到老,永远都有学不完的知识。本文将为读者带来几个DIY高手可能都不知道的小妙招,主攻的是在不花钱的情况下尽可能实现我们需要的效果。  耳机当作麦克风使用  耳机还能当作麦克风使用,主要的原理是动圈式耳机与动圈式麦克风的物理构造基本相同,所以在身边没有麦克风的情况下,只要把耳机插入到主板上的粉色麦克风接口即可(图1)。根据笔者的体验,耳塞式耳机基本无效,最好选择包耳式耳机。通话
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新思科技(Synopsys,Inc.)日前宣布推出全新HAPS-80基于FPGA的原型系统,该系统为Synopsys的端到端原型解决方案的一部分。HAPS-80系统提供了高达100 MHz的多FPGA性能,以及全新