
来源 :中国自然医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gennie_g
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目的了解天津地区莱姆病螺旋体的宿主动物的感染情况。方法采用间接免疫荧光抗体法(IFA)对野鼠、野兔、牛、羊、狗进行了莱姆病螺旋体感染的血清学检测;用病原分离培养方法和PCR方法对野鼠进行了病原学检测。并通过基因测序方法确定基因型。结果野鼠的血清莱姆病感染阳性率最高为32.00%(32/100);并从大林姬鼠、社鼠、小林姬鼠的脾脏和/或肾脏中检查到莱姆病螺旋体的特异片断。通过序列同源性分析确定为Borreliagarinii基因型。结论首次从病原学证实天津林区鼠类为莱姆病螺旋体的重要储存宿主。 Objective To understand the host animal infection of Borrelia burgdorferi in Tianjin. Methods Serological tests for Borrelia burgdorferi infection were carried out on wild mice, rabbits, cattle, sheep and dogs by indirect immunofluorescence antibody (IFA). Pathogenicity was detected by pathogen isolation and culture methods and PCR. Genotypes were determined by gene sequencing. Results The positive rate of serum Lyme disease in wild rats was 32.00% (32/100). The specific fragments of Borrelia burgdorferi were detected in the spleen and / or kidney of Apodemus agrarius, Apizon mouse and Apodemus agrarius. The genotype Borreliagarinii was identified by sequence homology analysis. Conclusions For the first time, rodents in Tianjin forest area were confirmed as important storage hosts for Borrelia burgdorferi from etiology.
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卢格海军型手枪  该枪忠实地再现了一战时期海军配发的卢格P08手枪原貌,机匣后端上方刻有海军使用的标志,表尺、弹匣座等细节设计均与原型相同,表尺有100m和200m两个射程可以选择。  卢格炮兵型手枪  该枪还原了一战中炮兵配发的卢格手枪。其以目前市场上的卢格手枪为基础,对破损和生锈的地方重新进行发蓝处理,外观十分亮丽。原枪上的一些铭文也得以保留,如前肘节杆上的“S/42”字样。表尺为弧形,移动其
介绍卫东站220 kV角形接线二次设备改造前后的一次接线、保护配置和运行使用特点;改造后配合系统合环运行方式的需要;角形接线变电站继电保护的配置、整定相关特点.对重合闸
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