Frozen fracture technique was used to study the tight junctions of human endometrial glandular epithelium at different stages of the menstrual cycle and found that the number of streaks in the early proliferative phase was small and the depth of distribution on the lateral side of the plasma membrane was small. The number of streaks in the metaphase was significantly higher than that in the early stage (P <0.05). In late stage of proliferation and early stage of secretion, the number of streaks and the distribution depth had no significant increase compared with the mid-stage (P> 0.05). Compared with the early stage of secretion, tight junction in the middle of the secretion of streak number and depth of distribution have increased significantly (P <0.05). Late secretion, the number of stripes and the depth of distribution was significantly reduced (P <0.01). The results showed that the structure of tight junctions of human endometrial glandular epithelium changed with the process of menstrual cycle and suggested that the number of tight junctions and the increase of their distribution depth (especially in the middle of secretion) may be related to the effect of progesterone.