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一、方式上,变灌输为浸透,变自我教育为文化影响。在建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势下,人们的心态发生了重大改变,主要表现在:自我意识增强;对个人利益较以前看得重了;价值取向偏重于物质利益的追求;道德意识呈现多维状态。职工对思想政治工作传统的灌输教育和自我教育有了消极的“抵抗”意识,或者说,对传统教育有了“耐药性”。企业文化的特点在于以知识启迪,以形象感染,潜移默化,寓教于乐,职工容易接受。因此,变思想政治工作的灌输原则为企业文化建设的浸透原则,变思想政治工作的自我教育原则为企业文化的影响原则是一条有益途径。二、改进企业思想政治工作要以企业文化为依托,培育企业精神,塑造企业形象。企业精神是企业文化的集中体现,它和职工个体的精神互为影响。企业文化建设以“育人”为本,培育职工的主人翁精神、奉献精神、创新精神、科学精神等。职工良好的精神可以合成企业精神,凝成企业合力。企业形象归根到底是人的形象的广延,因此,提高职工素质是一项基础工程,也是思想政治工作的主要落脚点之一。三、依托企业文化有利于改进思想政治工作。思想政治工作的着眼点在于社会的宏观利益,主要致力于政治教育和思想灌输;企业文化的着眼点在于 First, the way, change irrigation infiltration, self-education as a cultural impact. Under the new situation of establishing a socialist market economic system, people’s mentality has undergone major changes, mainly manifested in the following aspects: self-awareness is enhanced; individual interests are valued more than before; value orientation is emphasized on the pursuit of material interests; moral awareness is presented Multidimensional state. Workers have a negative “resistance” awareness of traditional education and self-education in ideological and political work, or have “resistance” to traditional education. Corporate culture is characterized by enlightenment to knowledge, image infection, subtle, edutainment, workers easily accepted. Therefore, changing the principle of inculcating ideological and political work into the principle of infiltrating corporate culture and changing the principle of self-education of ideological and political work into the principle of corporate culture is a useful way. Second, to improve the ideological and political work of enterprises should be based on corporate culture, cultivate the spirit of enterprise, shaping corporate image. Entrepreneurship is a concentrated expression of corporate culture, which affects each employee’s individual spirit. Corporate culture to “educate people ” -based, cultivate the staff ownership, dedication, innovation, scientific spirit and so on. Good spirit of workers can synthesize the spirit of enterprise, condensate into business together. The corporate image, in the final analysis, is the extension of the human image. Therefore, improving the quality of employees is a basic project and one of the main endpoints of ideological and political work. Third, relying on corporate culture is conducive to improving ideological and political work. The focus of ideological and political work lies in the macro-economic interests of the community, which are mainly devoted to political education and ideological instillation. The focus of corporate culture lies in
英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时,表达为“What animal sign were you born under?你属什么?I was born in the year of the Rat./Mine is the Rat.我属鼠。”  汉语中,人们往往以十二生肖中的动物来比喻人,即把不同(性格、特征、习性等)的人比作动物,如常以“毒如蛇蝎”、“笨猪”、“胆小如鼠”来比喻心毒手辣的人、笨人、胆小怯
根据8 个上海软弱地基的超长钻孔灌注桩工程项目的施工技术资料, 总结了超长桩的概念、施工难度和施工方法。 According to the technical data of the 8 long bored cast-in-