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新课程的提出,为我国教育教学活动指明了方向,即教授学生知识的同时,培养学生的能力、素质等,促进学生个性化、全面化发展。基于此,分析现阶段高中政治教学实际情况,了解到政治教学活动存在诸多与新课程不符之处。对此,应当从新课程视角出发,对高中政治教学进行适当的调整和优化,提高高中政治教学的有效性。本文将以高中政治教学为例,分析新课程的教学特点,进而探究高中政治有效教学的措施,达到新课程标准。 The introduction of the new curriculum points out the direction for our country’s education and teaching activities. That is, while teaching students ’knowledge, we should cultivate the students’ abilities and qualities so as to promote their individualized and comprehensive development. Based on this, the author analyzes the current situation of political teaching in senior high schools and learns that there are many discrepancies between the new curriculum and political teaching activities. In this regard, we should proceed from the new curriculum perspective, the appropriate adjustment and optimization of high school political teaching, improve the effectiveness of high school political teaching. This article will take high school politics teaching as an example to analyze the teaching characteristics of the new curriculum, and then explore the effective measures of political teaching in high school, to reach the new curriculum standards.
MoS_2 coatings were prepared by unbalanced bipolar DC magnetron sputtering under different argon pressures and for different deposition times, and the structure
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7月21日,侵袭北京及周边地区的那场暴雨,让无数人终生难忘。7月26日,北京市就暴雨灾情举行第三次新闻发布会,发言人称死亡人数为77人(后增至79人),其中66名遇难者身份已经确认,36人为男性,25人为女性,因公殉职5人。北京受灾面积达1.6万平方公里,受灾人口约190万人,其中房山区80万人;损失近百亿。  在河北,截至7月26日,保定、廊坊等9个设区市的59个县(区)遭受的严重洪涝灾害,共造
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In the present paper, a numerical modeling was developed to simulate the growth kinetics of ferrite transformed fromaustenite in Fe-c-Σ X (X denotes substituti