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1997年6月30日,纽约第七大道麦迪逊广场花园,58名万众眼中的幸运儿踏上了布满坎坷与希望的漫长之路。在经历了1996年艾弗森、科比的黄金一代之后,业内人士纷纷预测丰收之后必定荒灾,但这一宿命却被97一代用实际行动轻松击破。97一代是成功的一代。邓肯光芒万丈,比卢普斯厚积薄发,麦格雷迪异军突起,他们的星光耀眼夺目;97一代是悲情的一代。范霍恩、罗恩·默赛尔、德里克·安德森,这些昔日天赋异禀、前景光明的青年才俊均因伤病而过早陨落,令人扼腕不已;97一代是低调的一代。与96年那批天才少年相比,他们更为平实、内敛、不事张扬,有一种简约质朴的别样风采。2006-07赛季,97一代将迎来职业生涯的第十个年头,此时重新回顾他们曾走过的路,也许会对他们认知更多。 On June 30, 1997, Madison Square Garden, the 7th avenue in New York City, 58 luckless eyes of the rich set foot on the long road full of ups and downs and hope. After experiencing the golden generation of Allen Iverson and Kobe Bryant in 1996, people in the industry predicted the inevitable drought after the harvest, but this fate was easily broken by the 97 generation in actual action. The 97 generation is a successful generation. Duncan’s lofty eyes, Billups profound knowledge, McGrady, a sudden emergence of their dazzling stars; 97 generation is a generation of tragedies. Van Horne, Ron Mauser, Derek Anderson, these former talent gifted, bright prospects of young people were injured due to premature fall, it is very uncomfortable; 97 generation is a low-key generation. Compared with those 96-year-old genius, they are more peaceful, restrained, and do not make public themselves. There is a simple and rustic style. The 2006-07 season, the 97 generation will usher in the tenth year of his career, at this time to re-review the road they have gone through, may know more about them.
1994年5月11日,人类历史上最黑暗的种族隔离制度在非洲经济大国——南非结束了其长达350年的统治,民主的新南非重返国际政治和经济舞台。 南非,位于非洲大陆最南端,东、南、
香港是当今世界上最大、最自由、最开放的自由港。 说其大,范围包括整个香港地区,1000多平方公里;说其自由;除烟、酒、甲醇、化妆品、碳氢油和若干不含酒精饮品等6种货物征
北京时间10月23日凌晨1点, 2006赛季F1最后一站巴西大奖赛拉开帷幕。比赛并没有因为已经基本失去年度冠军的悬念而变得乏味。相反,事故、超车等种种赛车应有的看点都在2006赛
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本文介绍了各种类型的生色冠醚,对一些品种的特性和用途作了详细讨论。 This article describes various types of color-producing crown ethers and discusses in detail