
来源 :高等学校化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjsh
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In order to clarify whether Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization(ATRP) method could be extended to free radical ring-opening polymerization, the polymerization of a kind of unsaturated cyclic acetal: 5,6-benzo-2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane(BMDO) in the presence of α,α-dibromoxylene as the initiator and CuBr/2,2-bipyridine as the catalyst and ligand at 120 ℃ was investigated. IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra of the polymer obtained showed that BMDO underwent quantitatively ring-opening polymerization and linear polyesters were prepared. GPC curves indicated that the polyesters had a narrower molecular weight distribution. Molecular weight of the polyesters could be controlled by polymerization time and adjusting the molar ratio of monomer/intiator consumed. The polymers with narrower polydispersities were obtained, and first-order kinetics of polymerization was observed. These facts proved that BMDO underwent “living” free radical ring-opening polymerization. And this is the firsr report on the “living” free radical ring-opening polymerization of unsarurated cyclic acetal using atom transfer radical polymerization method. The results of ln([M]_0)/[M]) against polymerization time, M_n vs. conversion, and molecular weight distribution of the polymers are indicative of the “living” polymerization process. In order to clarify whether Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) method could be extended to radical radical-opening polymerization, the polymerization of a kind of unsaturated cyclic acetal: 5,6-benzo-2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane BMDO) in the presence of α, α-dibromoxylene as the initiator and CuBr / 2,2-bipyridine as the catalyst and ligand at 120 ℃ was investigated. IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra of the polymer obtained showed that BMDO GPC curves indicated that the polyesters had a narrower molecular weight distribution. Molecular weight of the polyesters could be controlled by polymerization time and adjusting the molar ratio of monomer / intiator consumed. The polymers with narrower polydispersities were obtained, and first-order kinetics of polymerization was observed. These facts prove that BMDO underwent “living” free radical ring-opening polymerization. And this this is the firsr report on the “living” free radical ring-opening polymerization of unsarurated cyclic acetal using atom transfer radical polymerization method. The results of In ([M] _0) / [M]) against polymerization time, M_n vs. conversion, and molecular weight distribution of the polymers are indicative of the “living” polymerization process.
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