
来源 :压缩机技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wk1990
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1973年,为我厂2#一万立方米制氧机配套使用的2LY-188/5-30型氧压机在试车时曾先后发生8次连杆小头瓦烧损事故。当时,我们对瓦的结构、径向间隙与电动机安装中心线进行了多次调整改进,但氧压机仍不能长期正常运行。1983年,我厂对2#一万立方米制氧机进行了改造。因缺少适当的配套压氧设备,只好更新两台同型号机组。1984年9月试运时又发生了3次烧瓦事故。 In 1973, 2LY-188 / 5-30 Oxygen Press, which is used for the 2 # 10,000 cubic meters oxygen generator of our factory, had occurred eight times in the test. At that time, we made many adjustments and improvements on the structure of the watts, the radial clearance and the center line of the motor installation. However, the oxygen compressor can not still operate normally for a long time. In 1983, I plant on the 2 # 10,000 cubic meters oxygen machine was transformed. Due to the lack of appropriate supporting oxygen equipment, had to update two units with the same model. In 1984 September there were three times during the trial of burning tile accident.
本文研究了高韧性-70℃低温钢板09MnNiDR的力学性能和焊接性能。研究结果表明该钢具有优异的低温韧性和优良的焊接性能,是制造低温压力容器的理想用材。 In this paper, the m
本文对公式S_d=m·d_p/(2h)做了改进,即令测量支距h=d_p/n(n为正偶数),这样,换算系数大大简化,提高了测量效率. In this paper, the formula S_d = m · d_p / (2h) is impr
The first example of enantioselective allylation of aldehydes with chiral allyl organolan-thanide reagents has been achieved in high chemical yield and moderat
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中国农业机械学会排灌机械专业委员会,于1986年举办了两次学术讨论会,兹将会议上交流的论文,摘要刊登于次,以供参考。 China Agricultural Machinery Association Drainage
现代篮球移动技术分为摆脱移动,接球移动,投篮移动,防守移动,篮板球移动。这些技术不仅用在进攻中,也用在防守中。移动技术具有应变性、组合性、对抗性。 Modern basketball mobi