Neurotoxicity and Biomarkers of Lead Exposure:a Review

来源 :Chinese Medical Sciences Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao4869
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Appropriate selection and measurement of lead biomarkers of exposure are critically important for health care management purposes,public health decision making,and primary prevention synthesis.Lead is one of the neurotoxicants that seems to be involved in the etiology of psychologies.Biomarkers are generally classified into three groups:biomarkers of exposure,effect,and susceptibility.The main body compartments that store lead are the blood,soft tissues,and bone;the half-life of lead in these tissues is measured in weeks for blood,months for soft tissues,and years for bone.Within the brain,lead-induced damage in the prefrontal cerebral cortex,hippocampus,and cerebellum can lead to a variety of neurological disorders,such as brain damage,mental retardation,behavioral problems,nerve damage,and possibly Alzheimer’s disease,Parkinson’s disease,and schizophrenia.This paper presents an overview of biomarkers of lead exposure and discusses the neurotoxic effects of lead with regard to children and adults. Appropriate selection and measurement of lead biomarkers of exposure are critically important for health care management purposes, public health decision making, and primary prevention synthesis. Lead is one of the neurotoxicants that seems to be involved in the etiology of psychologies. Biomarkers are generally classified into three groups: biomarkers of exposure, effect, and susceptibility.The main body compartments that store lead are the blood, soft tissues, and bone; the half-life of lead in these tissues is measured in weeks for blood, months for soft tissues, and years for bone. Whith the brain, lead-induced damage in the prefrontal cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum can lead to a variety of neurological disorders, such as brain damage, mental retardation, behavioral problems, nerve damage, and possibly Alzheimer’s disease , Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia. This paper presents an overview of biomarkers of lead exposure and discusses the neurotoxic effects of lead with regard to chi ldren and adults.
2009年KU MA项目取得的空前成功,让歌德学院院长对新一年的文化活动有了更多的期待和使命感。从今年开始,歌德学院的专栏将与读者朋友们见面。我们计划2010年将以多种形式和
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【中图分类号】F275 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1673-8209(2009)8-0016-02  【摘要】随着国际金融危机严峻,将企业财务风将企业财务风险管理思想融入财务管理,无疑成为传统财务管理顺应潮流的重大突破。文章结合财务风险环境的变化,对企业财务风险特征和成因进行分析。最后,从财务的角度出发,突破金融方面的局限,对财务风险进行管理与防范论述。  【关键词】上市企业;财务风险;财务管