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唐开元四年(716),张说贬为岳州刺史。在岳州期间,张说纵情山水,并改建原来的阅军楼为南楼,常与文人迁客登楼拾景,鸟瞰洞庭,饮酒作诗。尽管此楼之名在他的诗中并未提及,但后来的追慕者确信其为岳阳楼,后人推断岳阳楼为张说所建。自此岳阳楼名闻天下,文人骚客在此歌咏洞庭成为一不小的诗歌主题,大大丰富了湖湘文化的内涵。张说在岳阳创作的诗生动地描写了湖山胜景,清新俊逸,同时也流露出远谪南方、怀乡思亲的凄婉真挚的感情,一改其过去应制奉和、封禅祭祀诗篇中空洞浮靡的诗风, Tang Kaiyuan four years (716), Zhang derogatory Yuezhou provincial governor. During his stay in Yuezhou, Zhang said indulging in landscapes and reconstructing the original reading military building as the South Tower, often with literati relocating guests to ascend to the temples and bird’s-eye view of Dongting and drinking poems. Although the name of this building was not mentioned in his poem, the later admirer was convinced that it was Yueyang Tower, and the descendants concluded that Yueyang Tower was built for Zhang. Since then, Yueyang floor name Wen Tianxia, ​​literary poet in this song Dongting Ting became a not little poetry theme, greatly enriched the connotation of Huxiang culture. Zhang Yue’s poem in Yueyang vividly portrays the beautiful sceneries of Hushan and fresh and elegant, while also showing the sad and sincere feelings of the south and Nostalgia for his relatives in Qin and Yang Dynasties. Extravagant style of poetry,
一、前言地震区不对称建筑的震害表明,沿地震作用方向建筑物抗侧刚度和抗震能力较弱的一侧破坏较为严重,因而《建筑抗震设计规范》(GBJ11-89)第四章第4.1.1条规定 I. INTRO
从前有一个岛,所有的情感都住在那里:幸福、悲伤、虚荣和所有其他的,爱也不例外。一天,所有的情感听说小岛即将沉没,便纷纷建造小船离开了,除了爱。 Once there was an isla
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此文对新、旧混凝土结构设计规范中的强度指标──强度等级和标号的换算进行了引证。 In this paper, the strength indexes of the new and old concrete structure design