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2004年10月,第14届全国书市在桂林举办。作为筹办人员之一的我,最担心的不是别的,而是桂林市人口少,市区人口只有60多万,这气氛如何能够起得来?谁知,书市开幕之日,购书者人潮汹涌,会展中心辟出那么大一块零售区,竟然挤得水泄不通!书市结束,统计数字出来,更是吓人一跳,零售额竟超出上届书市一大截。上届书市举办地福州,市区人口是桂林的3倍啊! 广西有书香之气的地方,当数桂林。书香二字,即便对于个人,也非易事。欧洲人自诩三代方能培养出一个贵族,在中国,说某人出身书香门第.我看至少也得三代。而书香之于一座城市,那就不是三五代的事情了。没有千百年的文化浸淫,这个地方怕是很难透出书香来的。 In October 2004, the 14th National Book Market was held in Guilin. As one of the preparation staff, I am most worried about nothing but the small population of Guilin, the urban population of only 600000, how can this atmosphere come from? Who knows, book market opening day, the surge of booksellers , The Convention and Exhibition Center offers such a large retail area, even crowded packed! Bookstore end, the statistics come out, it is even more scary jump, retail sales actually exceeded the last book a large market. The last bookstore held in Fuzhou, the urban population is three times that of Guilin ah! Guangxi has a place where the smell of incense, when the number of Guilin. Scholarly word, even for individuals, is not easy. Europeans have been able to cultivate an aristocrat since the third generation, and in China, say that someone came from a scholarly family. I see at least three generations. The book of incense in a city, it is not a matter of three or five generations. Without centuries of cultural immersion, it is hard to reveal the beauty of this place.
故障现象 :水位正常 ,电加热管不工作。故障分析与检修 :该消毒器采用电加热管对水进行加热产生高压蒸气对医疗用品进行消毒。电热管安装在电锅炉内 ,电锅炉内水位由低水位控
为了方便病人、提高效率、加强医院管理 ,1998年 11月我院门诊实行刷卡就诊 ,取得满意的结果。报告如下。1 实施方法先购一册门诊病历 ,病历封面上填写姓名、年龄、性别、地
英语是一门重要的学科,在初中英语课堂教学中,教师要通过多种途径使英语课堂具有趣味性,从而激发学生英语学习的兴趣,提高英语课堂的教学效率。 English is an important su
I study in Zhangdian Primary School. I’m in Class 3, Grade 6. I love my school very much, because it is very beautiful. But some students are doing bad things to it. They throw the rubbish here and th
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SIEMENS 834超声间动电疗机是西门子公司八十年代的产品。由于使用时间较久 ,输出电缆在探头连接处断线 ;致使电疗机不能正常工作。由于探头较贵重 ,我们与西门子公司联系 ,他们答复
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