
来源 :档案工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinnahappy
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档案统计工作是档案事业建设的一项重要的基础工作。这项工作我们省起步比较晚。在实行档案统计年报制度以前,我们也搞过一些不规范的统计,但缺乏系统性、科学性,反映不了全省档案事业发展的真实面貌,导致工作多次发生失误,吃了不少苦头。1984年实行全国统一的档案工作统计制度以后,我们重视了档案统计工作,明确了专兼职档案统计干部,建立了档案统计制度,并加强了档案统计分析工作,使这项工作逐步走上了轨道。几年来,我们除及时完成一年一度的档案工作年报外,坚持一年出版一本全省档案统计汇编,并配合中心任务主动搞了十多项专门调查统计,起草综合统计分析和专题统计分析文章七编。统计工作作为领导决策的依据,越来越发挥出重要作用。我们的主要做法是: 一、取得统计部门的支持是做好档案统计的重要条件国家档案局制发统一的档案工作基本情况统计表后,我们首先与省统计局挂号备案,征求他们的意见, Archives statistics work is an important foundation for archives construction. Our province started relatively late in this work. Before implementing the system of annual statistics of archives, we also engaged in some irregular statistics. However, it lacks systematicness and scientific nature and can not reflect the real appearance of the development of archives in the whole province. As a result, many mistakes have been made in the work and a great deal of hardships have been eaten. After the implementation of a unified statistical system for archives work in 1984, we attached importance to the work of archival statistics, clarified the statistics of part-time archives and statistics cadres, established the archival statistical system, and strengthened the statistical analysis of archives so as to gradually put this work onto track . Over the past few years, in addition to timely completion of the annual file annual report, we adhere to a year published a compilation of the province’s archives statistics, and with the central task initiative to engage in more than 10 special survey statistics, drafting comprehensive statistical analysis and thematic statistical analysis Article seven series. Statistics work as the basis for decision-making, more and more play an important role. Our main approach is: First, to obtain the support of the statistics department is an important condition to do a good job archives statistics Archives Bureau issued a unified file the basic situation of statistical tables, we first register with the Provincial Bureau of Statistics for the record to solicit their opinions,
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