
来源 :中国农业气象 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:samdragon
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采用植物体内温度监测系统,监测了库尔勒香梨树干形成层的温度和主要气象因子,分析了树干阳阴面形成层温度变化特性并探讨了融冻和日灼发生的可能性。结果表明:树干阳阴面形成层温度变化有季节特性,阳面温度变化比阴面强烈,尤其是冬季更加明显;夏季阳阴面温度差异较小;白天树干阳面形成层温度高于阴面,夜间阴面温度略高于阳面;阳面日较差最高值出现在冬季,达33.14℃,比阴面日较差高17.14℃;越冬期间树干阳面日最低温度低于阴面,最高温度高于阴面,说明树干阳面比阴面更容易受到低温冻害和日灼危害;夏季树干阳面形成层日最高温度高于阴面且大于40℃高温持续日数在20d以上,说明树干阳面形成层比阴面更容易受到日灼的危害。 The plant temperature monitoring system was used to monitor the temperature and the main meteorological factors of the formation layer of Korla fragrant pear trunk. The temperature variation characteristics of the formation layer of the tree trunk positive and negative was analyzed and the possibility of thawing and sunburn occurred was discussed. The results showed that the temperature of the formation layer of the sun and the shades of the trunk had the seasonal characteristics, the change of the temperature of the sun surface was stronger than that of the cloudy surface, especially in winter, and the temperature difference between the sun and the shades was small in summer. On the sunny side, the highest value of the sun on the sun appeared in winter, reaching 33.14 ℃, which was 17.14 ℃ higher than the negative on the sun. The lowest temperature of the sun on the sunrays was lower than that on the negative during the wintering period, indicating that the sunrays were easier than the sunrays The frost damage and the sunburn were harmed. The maximum daily temperature of formation layer on the sun trunk in summer was higher than that on the cloudy side and the duration of days longer than 40 ℃ was above 20 days, indicating that the sunburst formation layer of the trunk was more susceptible to the sunburn than the cloudy side.
目的 探索肿瘤干细胞标记物CD44和CD133在鼻咽癌(NPC)中的表达量及其有效分选方式.方法 常规培养SUNE-1 5-8F细胞,采用免疫荧光技术及流式细胞学技术检测SUNE-1 5-8F细胞中CD44
以玉露的叶片为外植体,研究玉露的组织培养技术,结果显示:在不含激素的MS培养基上培养20d左右开始出现愈伤组织,愈伤组织在MS+6-BA(0.5 mg/L)+NAA(0.1mg/L)培养基上培养20d左
柿树(Diospyros kaki L.f.)树干,由于受太阳光直射和温差过大的影响,常发生日灼,局部皮层深裂、脱落,乃至本质部裸露,造成树体衰弱、减产甚至死亡。经初步调查发现,柿树日灼
<正> 《驯马手莫兰特》一片的结尾,是很耐人回味的,当莫兰特和他的同伴被判处死刑之舌,镜头一转,出现了一个空镜头:东边天宇上,紧贴着青青的岗峦,是一抹温柔的淡蓝色晨曦,预