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三、对文人行为特点的理解与约束钱钟书对文人行为特点既有理解并为之辩白的一面,又有对之作出针砭并提出应加约束的一面。就前者论,突出表现在他对文如其人说的深入反复的辨析及对文人的某些所谓放荡之论的辩白这一方面,后者则集中表现在他对文人谈兵及文人宦情的批评上。现分述之。钱氏对文如其人说的辨析在《淡艺录》和《管锥编》中都曾多次涉及,例如在《谈艺录》中,他从评述元代学者刘因(静修)的《读史评》一诗入手,指出“匪特记载之出他人手者,不足尽据,即词章宜若 Third, understanding and restraint on the characteristics of the literati behavior Qian’s book on the behavioral characteristics of scholars both understand and defend the characteristics of the side, but also made a sting and put forward should be restrained side. On the one hand, the former shows prominence in the aspects of his repeated analysis and disagreement on the literary man as well as the debates on some so-called libertarian theories of the literati, while the latter focuses on his criticism of the literati and the literati’s humor Criticism. Now described. Qian’s interpretation of the literary genre has been touched upon many times in both the ”Light Arts Record“ and the ”Tuan Tan“, for example, in ”Talking about Arts Record,“ from the comment on Liu Yin ”Reading history review,“ a poem, pointed out that ”bandit recorded the hand of others, inadequate, that chapter should be if
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