
来源 :躬耕 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:naicha125
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风停了云知道/爱走了心自然明了/他来时躲不掉/他走得悄悄……听着这首歌,我的眼泪像断了线的珍珠一样落下来。我和枫的相识纯属偶然。那天我刚从书店出来,抱着两三本书,漫不经心地走在路上。因为心里一直在想轩,所以没注意他从拐弯处骑着一辆自行车冲过来把我的胳膊碰了一下,随即我的书就落在了地上。他忙停下来问我怎么样,我仍呆呆地站着。他弯下身子去捡书,我看到戴在他衣袋上的学生证,他的名字叫任枫。他把书还给我,我呆呆地接过继续走了。我能感觉到他在背后用奇怪的眼光看着我。的确,那天我心情非常糟糕,因为前一天晚上我和轩分 The wind stopped the cloud know / love to go out of the heart naturally clear / he could not escape when he came / he went quietly ... ... listening to this song, my tears fell like a broken pearl. My acquaintance with Feng was accidental. I just came out from the bookstore that day, holding two or three books and walking casually on the road. Because my heart had been thinking about Xuan, I didn’t notice that he rushed from riding on a bicycle and touched my arm. Then my book fell to the ground. He stopped to ask me how I was, and I still stood still. He bent down to write a book, and I saw a student ID worn on his pocket. His name was Ren Feng. He returned the book to me, and I took it and took it and left. I can feel him looking at me with strange eyes behind her back. Indeed, I was in a very bad mood that day because I had Xuanfen the night before.
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“Time is the besthealer”——时光是最好的疗伤之药。的确,大多数的时候,某些伤感的往事会随着时光的流逝而消隐,成为记忆中一个个模糊的点。然而当某种忧伤的气氛由于种
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宁静是沙漠中一潭清澈的泉水,我们都渴望拥有心灵的宁静。 Tranquility is a clear spring in the desert. We all long for peace of mind.
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