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2015年12月10日,中央国家机关工委召开中央国家机关行业协会商会脱钩试点单位党建工作动员部署会。工委常务副书记李智勇作动员讲话,副书记姚志平主持。工委领导班子成员、有关行业协会商会主管部门机关党委负责同志、81家行业协会商会负责人及工委机关各部门各直属单位负责人等约140人参加。李智勇指出,实行行业协会商会与行政机关脱钩是党中央、国务院推进全面深化改革作出的一项重大决策部署。要充分认识 On December 10, 2015, the Central State Authorities Working Committee held a meeting to mobilize and deploy the Party-building work of the pilot units of the central state organs and trade associations. Li Zhiyong, deputy secretary of the Work Committee for mobilization speech, deputy secretary Yao Zhiping presided over. The members of the leading group of the working committee, responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the relevant trade associations and chambers of commerce of the trade associations, the heads of the 81 trade associations, the chambers of commerce, and the heads of the units directly under the working committees and departments of various departments of the working committee attended the seminar. Li Zhiyong pointed out: The decoupling of the chambers of commerce and the executive branches of the trade associations is a major decision made by the Central Party Committee and the State Council in pushing forward the overall deepening of the reform. To fully understand
An 80-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of tarry stool with iron deficiency anemia. Her past history included autoimmune hepatitis. Esophagoga
作者纳丁·戈迪默(Nadine Gordimer,1923—)是南非著名的白人女作家,1991年获诺贝尔文学奖。然而,对戈迪默而言,她感到最骄傲的还不是摘取到这顶桂冠,而是1986年曾出庭作证,
粮食顺价销售是我国粮食流通体制改革的关键内容。坚持实行顺价销售的原则是国有粮食收储企业不再发生新的亏损挂账的重要政策和举措 ,是企业参与市场竞争的必要条件。目前 ,