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本文简要介绍了水土流失定量遥感方法的组成和基本原理,重点叙述了它在山东全省山丘区的应用作业和应用结果,并讨论了它的准确性、实用性和应用前景等。该法的监测模型可与美国近年刊出的RUSLE相媲美,且其因子算式算法系由我国实例资料所建,故有更合我国流失实际的应用效果,尤其它适用于遥感和GIS数据的微机处理。其应用结果,不仅有比常规调查法和定性遥感法更准确实用的流失总量、各级面积的统计数据和流失现状图,而且还有流失治理规划的防治强度预报图,山东全省山丘区微机作业历时一年余,达到了预计目标,还建立了全省山丘区80510.96km2流失信息库。首次定量遥感监测结果为:年均流失总量12724.01万吨;轻度以上侵蚀面积30724.97km2;强度以上侵蚀面积7156.00km2;需治理面积4240。21km2(含急需治理674km2).9个拦河水库汇水区监测的年均流失总量与水文站实测算得的年均淤积量有83%的一致性,且更符合近十年的流失治理实际,则表明定量遥感方法的监测结果可靠。 This paper briefly introduces the composition and basic principle of quantitative remote sensing of soil and water loss, and focuses on its application and application results in the hills in Shandong Province, and discusses its accuracy, practicality and application prospects. The monitoring model of this method can be compared with the RUSLE published in the United States in recent years, and its factor algorithm algorithm is built by the example data of our country, so it has more practical application effect of losing our country, especially it is suitable for remote sensing and GIS data microcomputer deal with. The results of its application not only have more accurate and practical total loss statistics, statistics of all levels and current loss status graphs than those of conventional survey methods and qualitative remote sensing methods, but also predict maps of the intensity of loss prevention and control plans, District computer operations lasted more than a year, has reached the expected goal, but also established a hilly area 80510.96km2 loss of information base. The results of the first quantitative remote sensing monitoring are as follows: The total annual loss is 127.24001 million tons; the erosion area above mild is 30724.97km2; the erosion area above the intensity is 7156.00km2; and the area to be managed is 4240.21km2 (including the emergency treatment of 674km2). The average annual total loss monitored by the catchment catchments of the 9 reservoirs has a consistency of 83% with the actual annual sediment count as measured by the hydrological station, and is more in line with the actual treatment of the past ten years. This shows that the monitoring of the quantitative remote sensing method The result is reliable.
采用土培试验和15N示踪技术研究了高产施肥条件下4个时期不同施氮量与水稻糙米蛋白质含量的关系。结果表明,孕穗期施氮最有利于糙米蛋白质的积累,糙米15N蛋白氮占施用15N的比例达 36. 15%,插植前
云母矿物中的钾是土壤钾素的主要来源。研究云母的释钾过程,不仅对阐明云母的风化机理,钾在土壤中迁移与富集,钾循环等过程有重要意义,而且还可以指导利用这类含钾资源。 云母中
Green-Ampt模型是 1911年由 Green-Ampt基于毛管理论提出的入渗模型 [1],国外在50年代就有广泛的应用,70年代以后又有了新的发展和完善。该模型形式简单,且具有一定的物理学基础。虽然它是基于均质土壤推导而来,