德国:打击非法木材贸易的法律(HolzSiG)目前正在履行立法程序,有可能在今年6月开始生效。此日期是德国联邦食品、农业和消费者保护部的高级官员Thorsten Hinrichs在3月25日对出席由德国木材贸易联盟主办的外贸会议的代表们透露的。HolzSiG最初是欧洲委员会2173/2005号法规的翻版。2173/2005号法规是关于为欧洲委员会成员国进口木材而建立FLEGT授权系统的法规。也就是说,这部法规最初仅适用于与签署了自愿伙伴关系协议的国家进行木制品贸易的问题。
Germany: The law against illegal timber trade (HolzSiG) is currently implementing the legislative process and is likely to enter into force in June this year. Thorsten Hinrichs, a senior official with Germany’s federal department of food, agriculture and consumer protection, revealed on March 25th to delegates attending a foreign trade conference hosted by the German Timber Trade Union. HolzSiG was originally a replica of European Commission Regulation 2173/2005. Regulation No. 2173/2005 on the establishment of a FLEGT authorization system for the import of timber in the member countries of the Council of Europe. In other words, the rule initially applied only to the trade in wood products with countries that had signed a voluntary partnership agreement.