Constructing the Win-win situation between Capital and High-tech

来源 :中国创业投资与高科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhj123
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China is expected to realize its all-around comfortable life as well as industrialization within 20 years or so. The statethus carries out an array of new strategies, such as, in terms of regions, the strategies of all-around development of thewestern area and the northeast area's industry bases, and in terms of industries, the strategies of rationalizing industrystructure, speeding up the development in high-tech industry as well as improving traditional industries by means ofhigh tech. Definitely, the high tech industry plays a vital part in not only residents'daily life such as food, clothes,housing as well as transportation but the process of rationalizing industry structure, signaling that with the soaringdevelopment in China economy, its high-tech industry is to enjoy another spring. China is expected to realize its all-around comfortable life as well as industrialization within 20 years or so. The statethus carries out an array of new strategies, such as, in terms of regions, the strategies of all-around development of the western area and the northeast area's industry bases, and in terms of industries, the strategies of rationalizing industrystructure, speeding up the development in high-tech industry as well for recommending traditional industries by means of high tech. Definitely, the high tech industry plays a vital part in not only residents'daily life such as food, clothes, housing as well as transportation but the process of rationalizing industry structure, signaling that with the soaring development in China economy, its high-tech industry is to enjoy another spring.
2002年秋天,怀孕的吉儿·布朗在电视上看到一部纪录片,描述因肿瘤造成颜面损伤的孩子。就像所有孕妇一样,她不禁想:“万一那是我的孩子,该怎么办?”她想,即使是她的孩子,她也能应付得来。吉儿25岁,住在爱荷华州,大学时是足球队员,精力充沛,坚忍不拔。上一次怀孕不幸流产,这次她与丈夫保罗都希望能顺顺利利。  2003年2月16日,吉儿诞下一个健康女婴,体重3.5公斤,不仅漂亮,看起来也很有活力。夫妻俩
患者 女性,34岁,因舌背肿物逐渐增大1年,临床拟舌乳头状瘤而收入院手术治疗。临床检查:舌背后三分之一处,有绿豆至红豆大小的肿物3个,突出粘膜面,界线清楚,互相不融合,表面
本研究用轻工业部甘蔗糖业科学研究所检测分析中心提供的优级、一级、合格三类蔗糖,10%等浓度配制,定期测定其pH变化,结果显示,实验组与对照组pH下 降有显著差异,一级与合格组
2003年,浙江省实现生产总值9200亿元,民营经济所占比重达到70.1% ;全社会固定资产投资4947亿元,民间投资占57.4% ;外贸出口416亿美元,民营经济占36.5 %。其中,民营经济2003年