Towards atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing

来源 :InternationalJournalofExtremeManufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahmat716
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Human beings have witnessed unprecedented developments since the 1760s using precision tools and manufacturing methods that have led to ever-increasing precision, from millimeter to micrometer, to single nanometer, and to atomic levels. The modes of manufacturing have also advanced from craft-based manufacturing in the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages to precisioncontrollable manufacturing using automatic machinery. In the past 30 years, since the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope, humans have become capable of manipulating single atoms, laying the groundwork for the coming era of atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing (ACSM). Close-to-atomic scale manufacturing includes all necessary steps to convert raw materials, components, or parts into products designed to meet the user’s specifications. The processes involved in ACSM are not only atomically precise but also remove, add, or transform work material at the atomic and close-to-atomic scales. This review discusses the history of the development of ACSM and the current state-of-the-art processes to achieve atomically precise and/or atomic-scale manufacturing. Existing and future applications of ACSM in quantum computing, molecular circuitry, and the life and material sciences are also described. To further develop ACSM, it is critical to understand the underlying mechanisms of atomic-scale and atomically precise manufacturing; develop functional devices, materials, and processes for ACSM; and promote high throughput manufacturing.
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We investigate the optical bistability (OB) in a duplicated two-level system contained in a ring cavity. The atoms are driven by two orthogonally polarized fields with a relative phase. The OB behavior of such a system can be controlled by the amplitude a
为了研究高速1550 nm微波光纤链路的高精度外调制特性,针对多量子阱分布反馈激光器的物理模型讨论了输出功率、阈值电流与温度的依赖关系,建立了相应的恒温恒功率控制电路,使激光器输出功率稳定在±0.005 dB以内,调制输出3 dB谱宽为0.5 nm,边模平坦,边模抑制比大于30 dB。另外设计了自动增益控制电路和附加相位调制电路,对外调制阶段的光功率进行控制。实验结果表明,采用1550 nm激光器及上述控制电路构成相应的外调制微波光纤链路系统,可有效地提高光发射模块输出光功率的稳定性,克服了直接调制带来的
为了科学地使用自由电子激光器,慎重措词评论它的现状和前途,由贝尔实验室C. Κ. N. Patel任主席的国家研究理事会固体科学委员会的一个专门小组确认在200毫微米以下和25微米以上的光谱区,自由电子激光器可以说是唯一的光源。