
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijincheng520
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细流沟灌有效地解决了大坡度地区的灌水问题,已在自治区各地推广.关于这方面的田间工程、灌水过程,已有不少论述、报导.本文仅就流量、沟长及灌水持续时间加以讨论.一、细流沟灌流量大小问题细流沟灌的流量上限,以不冲刷灌水沟为准.据我们初步实验,一般轻中壤土地面坡降为0.015—0.020时,入沟流量大于0.5升/秒即产生冲刷.因此,在上述条件下,流量应不大于0.5升/秒.细流沟灌最理想的流量,应当是:在一定的土质、坡度条件下,使灌水定额适宜,灌水效率高,沟首沟尾湿润均匀.中壤土、地面坡 Slightly furrow irrigation effectively solves the problem of irrigation in large areas and has been popularized in all regions of the autonomous region. There have been many discussions and reports on the field works and irrigation processes in this area. The paper only deals with the flow, the length of the furrow and the irrigation duration Discussion First, the amount of trickle ditch flow stencil ditch flow rate upper limit to non-flush irrigation ditch prevail.According to our preliminary experiments, the general light medium loam slope fell to 0.015-0.020, into the ditch flow is greater than 0.5 liters / The flow rate should not be greater than 0.5 L / s under the above conditions, and the optimal flow rate of trickle irrigation should be: under certain conditions of soil quality and slope, the irrigation quota should be suitable, the irrigation efficiency should be high, Ditch ditch tail moist evenly. Loam, surface slope
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人生不如意事十之八九,我坦然面对,因为有它们伴我走过十几年的风风雨雨。我是一个乍看开朗而内心孤寂的女孩。我喜欢一个人静静地回顾自己往昔的“峥嵘”岁月。 Life is no
掌握种子烘干技术,是保证种子质量,缩短烘干周期,提高烘干效益的关键问题,就此,谈谈个人所见,供同行们参考。 1.烘前要编好计划,按种子水分分批烘干。同批烘干种子的水分要
一、沼气池的渗漏检查建成的沼气池,待池体强度达到设计标号的百分之七十后,需要进行试水试压检验,合格后,方可投料使用。 1.检验方法 (1) 直接检查仔细观察沼气池内壁有无
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